FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

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Nick Chiocchio
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FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Nick Chiocchio »

I'm using the FlySky 6i radio (10 channel version) that I've used with other models, no problems. The right stick is channels 1 & 2 that I want to use for driving. I connected to the motion pack and each channel controlled one motor, so I realized there is no mixing in the motion pack. I enabled the "Elevon" on my transmitter which is how to turn on the transmitter mixing function.

Now it sort of works:

When I move the stick to the left or right it makes the tank go forward or reverse.
When I move the stick up and down it controls the turning left and right.
So the channels are reversed.

So I figured just switch the channels at the receiver/motion pack to correct the problem? Nope, it didn't work. I thought maybe switch the plugs inside the transmitter between channels 1 & 2 but the way it's wired I cannot easily do that. I really want the up down stick motion to control forward and reverse and left and right stick motion to control turning. Any ideas?

There are different modes for the transmitter but none that make the right stick channels 2 & 3 like the Armortek instructions instruct.

This is with the Pershing tank.
Nick C.

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Re: FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Adrian Harris »

You need to reverse the cabling on the motor that goes backwards when you move the stick forwards.

If it then turns right instead of left, you need to swap the leads over in the receiver.

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Re: FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Nick Chiocchio »

Hi Adrian, thanks but that won't work. It's something with the SkyFly transmitter/receiver. I connected a generic six channel radio and it worked fine. I set it to mix and when powered the right stick would control forward and back moving it up and down. Moving the stick left and right steered the tank. I can't use that transmitter as it is only six channels. I hope to spend some time this weekend to figure this out. It seams the motion control module can detect channels 1 & 2 regardless of which channel I plug them into on the receiver. So my receiver is not acting like a generic PWM system.

Time to do some googling and watch some videos. The programming for the FlySky is a bit awkward so need to spend some time with it.

Thanks for responding, help is always appreciated.
Nick C.

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Re: FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Jerry Carducci »

Nick I have one of these systems. I know several members have used these but if you can either get another system or upgrade this one I'd recommend it. At least try to convert the system to the last ported version of OpenTx for it. It isn't straight forward but would, should give
you better functionality. I recall the manual said the system supports 3 mixes??

I have to say I received the i6x in a 1/10 scale Maus early last year and while I know I'm jaded by my other systems the i6x out of the box
isn't very capable by current standards so I replaced it with a Taranis based system. I've not used the i6x for anything since.

Since I have some latitude I'll try converting my system to OpenTx or EdgeTx if there's a version available just for grins. If I can I'll post the results.
it May require some jumper soldering although I'd already made a patch cord for this thing using the trainer port...

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Re: FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Armortek »

We use the flysky i6 on our factory Churchill and it works a treat. No issues at all and it gets run a fair amount.

As you have indicated, channel
Mixing is done on the transmitter.

There are then 3 variables that you can then play with:
1. You can reverse channels on the transmitter.
2. You can swap the RC leads in the receiver
3. You can swap the orientation of the motor leads

Playing with the above 3 you should be able to get it to work.

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Adrian Harris
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Re: FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Adrian Harris »

> Hi Adrian, thanks but that won't work.

I had exactly this problem getting my SturmTiger working on a new receiver.
Swapping the leads over on the motor sorted it.

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Re: FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Nick Chiocchio »

So I finally got it to work. Using the "Elevon" for mixing appeared to be the problem. When I used the "mix" settings and played around with the value I finally got the stick responses I needed. I had to program "Mix 1" and "Mix 2". See photos. Thanks everyone for your feedback. Next is to get the sound working.
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Nick C.

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Re: FlySky 6i setup with motion pack

Post by Jerry Carducci »

Glad you got it working the way you want.

I was able to flash a version of OpenTx to my i6x. There are a few wiring mods I may try to squeeze a bit more utility out of this thing.

There's good information here: ... -level-mod
opntx_i6x.jpg - RC tanks: stay home, build a tank and save a life!

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