First i dit spray the tracklinks with Tamiya gun metal nr TS- 38 ( before assemble )
than i use 3 collors from Humbrol acryl rost matt nr 83 braun matt nr 85 karminrot nr 36 ( use it like dry brushing ) and if you use to much clean it with water or thinner.
Than spray it with clear varnish to seal the collors.
Next step i use a sludge of water , a little bit of Dreft ( dish soap ) and black water paint ( gouache )
Also here if you use to much sludge you can clean it with water and a paper towl.
The last step is to spray it with Humbrol acryl matt varnish nr 49
This technic i also use on my tanks, this i learned from Luc Deweirdt ( tiger 1 Erika ) this technic was also used by Duncans tiger 1 on the older furum.
The 2 hooks on the side of the rear deck are from Armortek part nr CHO 617 ( panther / KT deck )
The one on the back of the rear deck in the middle i made myself.
Nice warm weather to work on the stug,
Put some wash on, put some details on, and matt varnish.
Stug is now almoast ready, just put the notek light on and a MG 34.