I have quite good experiences over some years in using steel tracks made by Olaf with my 3 tigers (King Tiger production turret, King Tiger Porsche turret, Jagdtiger). None of these models is manufactured by Armortek, but the conversion to Olafs steel tracks was not too difficult. The necessary individual designed sprockets were made by myself, except my Porsche KT, which uses adapted sprockets from its manufacturer and the original gear rings from Olaf.
All my models are tested and used in heavy terrain on "Eckersmühlen proving ground", a large sand pit with very challenging driving conditions, where models are used up to distances of 80 metres away from the steersman:

The steel tracks with aluminium gear rings worked very well and with only a few wearout of the gear rings, while aluminium tracks couldn't withstand in some driving situation. Also the original AT Jagdpanther and Tiger I tracks were / are sometimes cracking under these unusual conditions. Please see a sharp turn in wet sand, with up to 4 cm of sand between track and road wheels! That's a severe stress to the whole device.

Now I also own an AT Jagdpanther, and I'm glad to hear that Vincent is offering steel tracks for the Panther / Jagdpanther.
Can anyone tell me his experiences in using steel tracks on Armortek models, e.g. the King Tiger? As far as I know Olaf sold 2 offers of 10 track sets each; therefore I hope that some King Tigers are equipped with steel tracks and are in action till now.