Some pictures of today's work - preparation and assembly.
All metal work cleaned with acetone and etch primed.
First assemby - bump stops. Contrary to an earlier post, I found the bolts specified in Mark's instructions for the bump stops to be correct (M3 3 x 10 csk and M3 3 x 10 hex) but you need 16 M3 nuts not 8.
I had hit a problem last night with one suspension bush which I could not drive fully home. I probably seated it slightly out of true or perhaps used too much Loctite. The upshot was a bush left proud by an unacceptable 2-3 mm. The answer was to compress it using a bolt and washer as shown below. No damage to the bush and all bushes correctly seated.
The remaining loose assembly went together well but there is some aliging to do before final tightening.
Now the pictures.
Thanks for your kind comments - much appreciated.
All the best