Mark IV 007 Build

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Steve Stuart
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Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

I have started on the build, with a partial unpacking of Box 1 and 4 to start the process of paint priming. I don't want steel parts to start rusting before they need to, plus keeping a certain amount of packed order helps with the identification of parts.
My first thing was to duplicate the instructions so that I have a set in the garage on two clip boards for easy cross referencing of pages, and the Originals in the living room to sit in front of the TV and work out each stage.
Tomorrow evening will see some significant assembly and hopefully I will be able to post some photos of my progress. This is FUN :D

Dennis Jones
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Dennis Jones »

We missed your banter on Saturday Steve.


Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build Insturction Errata

Post by Steve Stuart »

Talking about cross referencing. I had a moment of confusion while sorting out detail strips, so I have spotted the following:

Page 33 Detail Strips
The part indicated as:
EK0124 ‘Turret Roof’
Should be, as identified in the parts list:
EK0615 ‘Upper Front Strip’

If I spot any more points of clarification I will post them, but I will beforehand check with Mark and Gill, to make sure that it is not my error! All I can say is, that I would not like to have to write the instructions.

Dennis, I hope to make the next meeting of the S. A. G., I will check out the Facebook postings!


Paul Morris
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Paul Morris »

Wow that's helpful bet Gills thrilled :D
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Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

Onwards! Spraying the Inner Hull Plates made me realise that bolting the hull together suspended vertically might be the answer to bolting the hull parts together loosely so they come together square. The joke is that my son, Peter, was quite disparaging about how narrow the Tank is going to be! He did not appreciate that the length did not equate to width, I think he is worrying about how much space it will take up once built.
Mark IV Build
Mark IV Build

Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

I think that inadvertently I found a good way doing the initial build, as everything hangs together well. Also hanging vertically means that there is very little moving around the build, everything is to hand in a small circumference. May be another photo tomorrow?

Ray Brown
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Ray Brown »

G'day Steve. What is the internal color you used? And also, did you rivet the top pieces together or use fasteners as its hared to tell.
Cheers Ray.

Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

Good evening Ray. I have riveted as much as I can so far of the top and bottom pieces as I can. I have not peened the rivets on the inside properly as they don't really show, my main target was to get them in tight and secure so they won't fall out or rattle!
The interior colour of the tank is white as in the originals, plus it should make seeing what is going on inside easier when fitting motion packs, etc. The non visible interior of the Hull Sides is going to be grey primer to try and keep things a little less dark when fitting out later.
I am going to Bovington tomorrow with some questions now that I am actually building the model. The first thing is going to be to try work out the actual colour of the inside of the track horns, and also where the track runs, top and bottom. I am going to use Red Oxide Primer initially and then go from there. My main thing has been to get the steel covered so when the weather gets damper it won't rust. The second thing is that the Fuel Tank appears to bolted together in places and whilst I want to rivet as much of the tank as possible, bolts will make it easier to do.
I will check the forum before we leave at 9.00am (GMT :) ) just in case there are any requests for information!

Ray Brown
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Ray Brown »

Thanks Steve. I think the hardest thing is tank colors. What colors were used, where and when. The old black and white photos don't help... :)
I do fing the instructions a little confusing with fasteners and rivets but after re-reading a couple of times with dry fitting it works out.

Derek Attree
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Derek Attree »

Hi Steve
Looking good I do like these Mk IV Builds
Keep the pictures coming.

we must stop making stupid predictions

Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

I have got two pictures of the Mark IV at Bovington that throws some light on the 'hidden' colour scheme. The first is taken through the hole by the deflector plate in the rear horn. This shows that this area, when the tracks are off needs painting the same as the hulls outer colour.
Deflector Plate
Deflector Plate
The second photo shows through another hole, gears etc which are red oxide in colour, so some licence can be employed.
Gear wheels etc.
Gear wheels etc.
I have rest of todays photos which I will tomorrow put onto Photobucket. Also I shall post the photos of the fuel tank and the rear roof.
As Zebedee says..... It is getting late and I have a lot on tomorrow 8)

Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

I have now uploaded the recent photos, to view them, here is the link: ... kIV%20Tank
If any one wants a copy on disc of the originals please do let me know.
I have sprayed up the armour plates this evening prior to loose bolting them in place.
Plus I have built up the Fuel Tank prior to making up a modification to allow the tank cover to be bolted down.
More rivet bashing completed, I have now lost count :lol:

Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

The Fuel tank has been a diversion from the main build, in that to fit the rivets on the rear plate the location/attachment of the Fuel Tank needs sorting out.
Fuel Tank
Fuel Tank
I have made an opening hatch, Derek Attree has explained that sheet steel can be soldered, and this is my first attempt, attaching brass hinges. :D Thanks! :lol: To allow the 'lids' to be bolted I made two fillets which are drilled and taped to secure them in place with bolts. Plus two cross supports for the hatch are installed. I have also fitted the extra rivets across the top of the Fuel Tank
Under Construction
Under Construction
The last photo shows the nearly completed Fuel Tank.
Completed Tank
Completed Tank
Next, the rear plate.

Steve Stuart
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Steve Stuart »

Ray, you may be interested in my hoisting the hull around to get it into a position to hammer in rivets.
Rivet Bashing
Rivet Bashing
This is to get the Tank to sit above the rivet snap which is secured in the Vice.
Rivet Snap in Vice
Rivet Snap in Vice
To avoid difficult riveting I am going to have to think hard about the order of my build and how things will have to assembled, dissembled and reassembled once the riveting has been completed. I am going to follow Ray's lead on working from the outer plates inwards as that should make for easier access to peening the rivets.

Ray Brown
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Re: Mark IV 007 Build

Post by Ray Brown »

G'day Steve. I'm unable to use a hoist but have the ability of a second pair of hands to move & hold pieces for riveting. I also am looking at pieces that can be detailed before being permanently secured. I'll put pics up with notes on whether the detail could've been done early in the build.

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