Been let off for good behaviour! Walls stripped, prep done for painting ceiling and skirting.
So time to have fun tank building! Never had so much fun, standing up, in a long long time.
Who ever came up with the idea of using a hydraulic lift table, to build our tanks, is a genius.
With restricted space they are a boon!
Starting to do the deck fittings,
If you are building a Firefly, please read the paragraph at the bottom of page 19, when fitting the drivers hood.
Its a great piece of advice.
I love getting up in the morning, opening the curtains in the extension, turn around and see a tank 'growing'.
For a novice, like me, who panicked, after ordering the kit, i need not have worried. There is help an email away, thanks Mark. There is also inspiration, and a wealth of knowlege on this forum.
I need help! I did not take the advice of (I think Lee?) who said DON'T use Allen keys with the rounded ends.
Well I have broken off the end of the small key, in a 3mm csk bolt! In the mantlet, is there a way of removing it?
Still having fun and totaly addicted. If you are thinking of buying a kit, do it, now!