Gun elevation issue

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Allan Shannon
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Gun elevation issue

Post by Allan Shannon »

Hi, Colleagues

Hope you are all doing well? My issue is the barrel elevation when using it, it goes all the way down and most of the times sticks at the bottom so i cant elevate it up. This issue did cause me some damager to my rear deck detail as the turret was rotating.

Monique has explained the purpose of the elevation stop link and that I could remove it , which i will not do given the important role it plays. So my question is, can I adjust something with in my Tx to limit the movement of the barrel so that it does not go too low?

I have the spektrum DX6

Regards Allan

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Gun elevation issue

Post by Adrian Harris »

> can I adjust something with in my Tx to limit the movement of the barrel so that it does not go too low?

No. The TX has no way of knowing where the barrel is to start with or how far it moves when you move the stick.

It might be worth disconnecting the elevation mechanism to check there is no stiffness in the movement of the barrel and mantlet.
It would also be worth counter balancing it with some lead plates to see if that allows the motor to lift it.

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Allan Shannon
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Re: Gun elevation issue

Post by Allan Shannon »


Thanks for the quick response, really appreciated. I have solved the issue by adjusting the tension on the left stich so that it does not feel too loose and have also realised that I do not have to put the stick all the way up or down in order to activate the elevation. Just have to go out and practice on those sticks! :D

Regards Allan

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Gun elevation issue

Post by Adrian Harris »

Glad you got it sorted with an easy fix :-)

Contact me at for details of my smoker fan control module

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