An interesting allied addition to Armortek?

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Stewart Ashton
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An interesting allied addition to Armortek?

Post by Stewart Ashton »

Morris Quad with limber and 25 pounder gun.


and another picture


Not to many pics around mainly Airfix :)

Regards Stewart

Allan Richards
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Post by Allan Richards »

I remeber this used to be an Airfix kit, and would make quite a good 1/6th model. If you are interested in making a quad it would be possible to utalise the drive train fromthe 222.
Allan Richards

Stewart Ashton
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Post by Stewart Ashton »

My take on this as an Armotek kit is that there are three separate kits
to make up a complete unit.

I still have a few Airfix ones in a box somewhere :lol:

Regards Stewart

Stewart Ashton
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Post by Stewart Ashton »

My take on this as an Armotek kit is that there are three separate kits
to make up a complete unit.

I still have a few Airfix ones in a box somewhere :lol:

Regards Stewart

Allan Webster
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Post by Allan Webster »

There are only two possible vehicles that Armortek could makewhere I wouldn't even look at my bank balance before ordering - this and a universal carrier. I would sell a kidney if necessary for either. But let's be realistic about this. It's a hobby for most of us but Gill and Mark have to make a living. Unless it's (a) German and (b)a tank it's going to be hard to find buyers.

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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

Maybe Mark could create a standard chassis and make Morris bodies for the UK market and CMP ones for
our colleagues in the States :?:


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