This made me think that it could be a new project for me to draw. It is still a work in progress but have finally finished the top part.It is strange that there is no working notek light on the market,
like the working Bosch light.
Still have to work on the leg but there is a good chance that a miniature or sub-miniature led can be used as the light source. The biggest problem I have is that I am not sure that the dimensions of the unit are correct. I only found a mention on the internet that it is 170mm wide and 235mm long (I am assuming this is referring to the hood). So I had to do a lot of guessing. Also, due to the small details, it will not print properly with a normal filament printer. It might work with a liquid resin printer but will not be able to try it myself as I do not have a need for a Notek light. A commercial printer like Shapeways or iMaterialize in Belgium could be used.
Need to go and work on the Notek leg now. Will be back when finished.