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Charging Lead

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:20 pm
by Bryan Brown
I am looking for a way of being able to have a charging socket on the quad to which I can have access without having to keep removing the top to re charge the batteries. Has anyone been able to do this and if so which socket did they use and where did they place the socket.

Re: Charging Lead

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:46 am
by michael hilton
Hello Bryan, I have routed the leads down through the hole in the equipment trays. They exit through the side lockers. I then split the main battery lead using a E5 connectors. The batteries can then be isolated and charged. The second side locker holds the stop/start switch. Both sockets and switch are hidden by the locker doors. Unplug the E5 connector then plug your charger into the isolated battery side. I tag all my electrical connections, as I easily forget what goes where :) .....Mick.

Re: Charging Lead

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:50 pm
by Bryan Brown
Thanks for your prompt :D :D reply

Re: Charging Lead

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:07 pm
by Steve Ellis
Hi Michael

Hope alls well, could you tell me where you purchased your £5 connectors from please.
Your set up for the Quad is very impressive, hopefully by the summer the new workshop will be fully operational and I can get back to building my Quad after almost a 2 years break.
And before you ask we went traveling for 6 months and then brought a house, one with enough room in the back garden for a decent sized work shop.

Look forward to hearing from you
Kind Regards