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Spray Painting Booth

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:21 am
by Adrian Harris
Has anyone ever considered using one of these pop-up spray tanning tents as a disposable painting booth ?

They are available for around a tenner on ebay
They are designed to contain over-spray
They should prevent any odd drafts affecting the spray if used outdoors
If you get one with a door, it could be shut after painting to allow
the paint to dry without fear of insects or dust getting stuck to it


The cheap ones seem to be mainly Barbie Pink :shock: :oops:


Re: Spray Painting Booth

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:53 pm
by simon_manning
anything is worth a try at that money, spraying in a confined space is not the best thing, extraction is the main problem as we know, my method, standard household 3 speed fan directed at the job on low speed out the garage door, the neighbours say whats that nice smell, its like "pair drops sweets", every ones happy, regards simon.

Re: Spray Painting Booth

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:10 pm
by Adrian Harris
> spraying in a confined space is not the best thing

From a health point of view due to the chemicals/particles or because the over-spray will be blown around inside the tent and might ruin the paint finish ?
