Firing gun question

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John Grima
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Firing gun question

Post by John Grima »

Hi Guys, I have another armortek build I'm working on and like the Tiger it too uses the armortek recoil animation for the gun. On the last build I followed the system and it uses a roller knob for all the sound functions. The knob worked spotty for me but I would rather have the gun fire with a toggle switch. Is this something that can be done with the armortek / benedeni system?

I would also like to retrofit the late tiger with the toggle firing system as well, any help would be appreciated. John

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Firing gun question

Post by Adrian Harris »

Do you mean you want a separate toggle switch to just fire the gun, with the remaining sounds controlled by the knob ? I presume by knob you mean an encoder ?

The Benedini Sound Card reads signals coming from the control channel on the receiver and when it detects a signal which matches the one it has been taught for the main gun, it plays the main gun sound and sets a control line high. This control line going high is what is detected by the Armortek Recoil Module, which then activates the recoil servo and LEDs to simulate the gun firing.

The main problem is that, although it is possible to control the Benedini board in several ways, it can only be set to one at a time. It has a "Digital Control" mode, whereby you can operate 6 separate switches to control the sounds, but you can't combine that with the "Encoder Mode" or "Toggle Switch Mode".

The encoder Thomas sells is a simple resistor ladder, with a momentary switch to change from a default voltage level to one generated from the resistor ladder.

Theoretically, it would be possible to calculate the encoder's resistor ratio for the main gun sound position and then change the resistors so that that ratio was omitted from the encoder and could therefore be switched into the circuit using a separate toggle switch.

Possible, but not trivial to do.

Contact me at for details of my smoker fan control module

John Grima
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Re: Firing gun question

Post by John Grima »

Hi Adrian, yes I was looking to have only the gun controlled by a toggle on the remote, while keeping the engine sounds on the radio's potentiometer. I was able to get the gun to fire most of the time with the current system, but I feel that it would be more user friendly if it were on a toggle switch action.

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