Forum for discussion relating to the King Tiger
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Bob Gould
Posts: 495
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Post by Bob Gould »

A couple of questions on the Kt

1. Did they carry a toolbox?
2. I have never seen one with extra fuel drums, is thus because thwy were so thirsty they were escorted by tankers?

Many thanks
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Fredrik Jorgensen
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Post by Fredrik Jorgensen »

Hi Bob.
They did actually carry a tool box but they were put inside the tank as they were litteraly blown away in the first engagement on the Tiger1´s so they made a box inside the crew compartement.

Drums were only carried during long roadmarches where the supply corps had trouble following (deep mud etc). First i wouldent like to have 200 to 400 litres of petrol sitting ontop of my rear end, like in Russia and Hungary they were in combat more or less every day and the enemy emerged almost constant. The drums would be a too much risk to waste as it was scarce to come by.

The only exterior you might want to do is if you do a befehlswagen (antenna and the holder) Jerry cans can be seen but there aint many photos or stories of them beeing hunged somewhere but ive come across some where they are on the rear of the turret.

Tow hooks and cables, i do recomend Mike Stannards as they are AWESOME. Were more or less applyed all the time in some pz.abts even with towing cables attached for easy towing if they got stuck or had to rescue a friendly tank. And as i mentioned above most ove the exteriors were blown away so that was a way of secuirng valuable equipment.

I hope this gives you the info you were looking for.
But its a hobby and if you want to customize or go for reality its up to you really :)

Best regards

Bob Gould
Posts: 495
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Post by Bob Gould »

Thank you Fredrik, that information was very helpful.

However it does leave me wondering what to do with all that hull space :D

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Fredrik Jorgensen
Posts: 361
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Post by Fredrik Jorgensen »

Make a fully working interior :).
Hard work BUT beautiful hihi.


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