Not a good weekend!!

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Allan Richards
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Not a good weekend!!

Post by Allan Richards »

Yesterday I had been in the garage priming a few of the sherman parts with an aerosol of highbuild primer. During the afternoon I had taken the Tiger for a quick run behind the garage and then put it back in the garage in its usual parking spot but had not put the usual dust sheet back over it. I then decided to give the parts another quick spray and was shaking the can when the top of it failed and a fountain of paint went everywhere, all over me, the Tiger, the bonnet of the car and the garage wall. Fortunately the car cleaned up ok but the tiger was a right mess. I was so angry because 99.99% of the time the Tiger it is normally covered up. I couldn't sleep last night thinking aout it and gave up and was re-spraying the top of the Tiger at 6am this morning. Fortunately by about 11am it was looking ok again.

Just a word of warning on how these stupid things can happen, I shall be contacting the firm making the paint to see what I can do by way of compensation but the paint was bought and I started using it some time ago.
Allan Richards

Martin Cohen
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Post by Martin Cohen »

Yes, but did you take any pictures for the Gallery?

Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »


Its that darn .01% that gets you every time! Sorry about your mishap. I'm glad it's shaping up again OK.

All the best

"So long as one isn't carrying one's head under one's arm, things aren't too bad." – Erwin Rommel

Jeffrey Goff
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Post by Jeffrey Goff »

Hi Allan, sorry to hear about the mishap, you can repaint, but you cant recover the time lost; last year I thought I would use a large can of expanding polyurethane foam, that I had bought some time before, I pressed the button and nothing happened, so I shook the can, nothing, so I turned it upside down and struck the button on the work bench, the stream of liquid polyurethane had to be seen to be believed, I rushed out into the garden still holding the can upright, it must have gone about 15 foot in the air, and I am still finding it hanging from branches


Allan Richards
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Post by Allan Richards »

I didn't take any pictures of the tank, I was too upset but I can take one of the Tx that was sitting beside the tank. I think its re-sale value has been reduced!!
Allan Richards

Allan Richards
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Post by Allan Richards »


Well Martin, you did as about pictures of the splattered tank. I never took any but here is the Tx whch was laying on top of the tank so you can imagine the rest. Fortunately ther was some film over the computer bit so with it removed at least I can still use the screen.
Allan Richards

colin fairweather
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Post by colin fairweather »

hi allan

judging by tx it must have been a right mess :x,

what you could do is match it to the color of your tank sorted :)

colin :)

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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

Crikey, that's a pretty nasty covering. :( :(

Reminds me of when I was working on a car years ago and let it down off the trolley jack onto an aerosol of red oxide primer. :oops: :oops:

Fortunately that only primed the underside of the car, as well as my knees, rather than anything as valuable as your Tiger.

Good luck with the clean up, and the chasing the supplier for compensation.


Martin Cohen
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Post by Martin Cohen »

Actually Allan, after looking at your Futaba T6 one could argue that you added a personalized and artistic effect. You might float that T6 on eBay and find someone will offer thousands for it! Or maybe Futaba will license it?

If I didn't already have my own Futaba......

Allan Richards
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Post by Allan Richards »

Thanks for the suggestion Martin. I've got some RC kit on ebay at the moment but no one is interested. I've decided to have a clearout of all my odds and sods.
Allan Richards

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