Tiger-Panther 20 ton Jack Progress

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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Tiger-Panther 20 ton Jack Progress

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

Here is a quick update on the Tiger 1 and 2 20 ton jacks. I have made the mold for the resin castings of the long jack, sample pictured below with some metal parts attached.

I still have to use one of the resin castings to modify to make the mold for the short version of the jack for the Panther. This will take a few more days.

I have just received a batch of white metal and plan to start casting metal parts in the next few days. I hope to start delivery of jacks towards the end of the month. However the Tiger 2 jacks are dependent of the long eye bolts for the mounting brackets and I cannot complete these orders until my machinist has made them. I hope to have a delivery date on these soon.

Special 25% discount on all jacks available until July 20. 2012



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