KT track adjusting

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padge mc grath
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KT track adjusting

Post by padge mc grath »

Hi Guys.

I now have to put the tracks back on and was wondering how do you know when they are on correctly. I am sure there is a rule of thumb but I dont know what it is. When the tank is suspended they seem to be quite loose and when the tank is on the ground they can seem quite tight.

Would be very grateful of any assistance received.



padge mc grath
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Re: KT track adjusting

Post by padge mc grath »

Hey Guys.

Finally got the back end of the KT working. Got a local engineer to install a mechanism for pushing the back axle and therefore tightening the tracks. Originally the mechanism for tightening the tracks was that of a pull mechanism using 2 bolts. The problem with this was that when gravel got stuck in the tracks, the 2 bolts actually bent under the pressure from the motor and the tracks loosened considerably. The other problem with the pull mechanism was that the bolts didnt actually pull form the axle but from a 2 bars attached to the axle . The bolts attached to these 2 bars about an inch above the axle. It would also appear that the back axle wasnt well centered which in turn made the wheels grind against each other and every now and again they would lock up.

Also installed a new key in the keywell but this sheared off again after only a few minutes of motoring. The decision now is to build a new left shaft which will be about 5ml longer than the original which is a bit on the short side. In addition, we will put in a new key made of stronger steel and hope that this sorts our problems.
The engineer reckons that all of the above issues were with the tank from the start and that it must have been heavy on fuses from day 1.

Hopefully will have the KT back tomorrow and in perfect running order. Since I got it I have only had about 15 minutes of total running time. It would be great to get some proper use out of it. Funny thing is that I have quite enjoyed the time when it wasnt working as I have learned a number of things about how these things work.

Will post picture in the next few days.



John Fitzsimons
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Re: KT track adjusting

Post by John Fitzsimons »

Hi Padge, great news. Looking forward to seeing it running properly. Got back to France today. Went skiing then back to work on a nicely detailed 1/35 Dragon King Tiger this evening.

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