Bronze Cast Parts Now In Stock

Armortek owners can buy and sell 1/6 scale accessories and detail parts. note: Armortek does not necessarily endorse these products and can accept no liability for contractual disputes
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Bronze Cast Parts Now In Stock

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

As many of you know I found out in September that my bronze caster had past, I was able to recover most of my molds and I found a new caster in October. It has taken until now to get the first batch of castings made and I have them in stock.

TT11, Pan11, PZIVT030 MG AA Mount = 7 available


TT03 Tiger 1 and 2 Tow Ropes = 8 Sets available


TT02 Tiger 1 Early Track Tow Rope = 9 Sets available
TT12 Tiger 1 Late and Tiger 2 Track Tow Rope = 7 Sets available


I have also restocked the Antenna clamps for the stab antenna's, antenna bases and the Star antenna center, all of which I was almost out of. I was down to 6 stab antenna's in stock, now have enough parts to make up another 60.


The Sternantenna D for the Tiger 1, 2 and the Panther I have 10 on current orders and enough parts to make up another 6 sets.

Not pictured are 500 large wing nuts for Tiger cupolas, periscopes and tow rope sets. These wing nuts will allow me to complete outstanding orders for these parts. I also have over 100 small wing nuts for the Antenna's.

If you need any of these sets, please order now as these parts are fairly expensive to get made and I will not be reordering the parts again until what I have in stock are almost sold out. Your requests now will help me determined when and how many more to order in the future.


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