10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

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Marcel de Groene
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10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

Post by Marcel de Groene »

Hi guys,

It has taken me over three years to decide what unit and which camo pattern to use. Over the last 4 months I got inspired again by all the great builds here and I have started to refurbish my Panther, add nice gimmicks and tried to go as accurate as possible(one has to please Kent..., :lol: after all )

I wanted Normandy, Arnhem or the Bulge. This division acted both in Normandy and Arnhem. I have finished the turret and Im awaiting the last upgrade parts from Mike to finish the hull and the rear. Enjoy the pictures from the turret.






I used the fuel canister to get easy acces to the turret switches for animatronics and the second receiver.


The zimmerit looks kind of rough. Mikes zimtools got lost in the mail so I made my own. I guess its allright. It was applied in the field after all. :roll:




Thanks for watching. (notice the nice splinter camo on the Chrismas Bunny :lol:) She knows she's in trouble once this cat is finished...

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Last edited by Marcel de Groene on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kent Wiik
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Post by Kent Wiik »

Hi Marcel,

Sweet looking turret of yours, Kent is pleased :D

But my friend please change that "normal" MG34 into the correct one with the armoured barrel, I think you might find them at work... :wink:
The new Dragon Johann Meiling has one as did the earlier released Bobby Woll.

Very intelligent place to have the switches at and the zimmerit looks fine.
Minor detail...it has been placed wrong at 2 places but never mind.

At this stage of the war and always on Ausf G the zimmerit was factory applied.
The U-shaped armoured protector for the infra red cable in front of the cupola was a later outfit then for a zimmerited G.
Never mind as no one will know that fact, it is just my well known bl**y eyes again... :oops:

Can’t wait to see the rest of your Panther later on.

Kind regards
It´s all in the details!

Marcel de Groene
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Post by Marcel de Groene »

Hi Kent,

Marcel is pleased with your answers, esspecially concerning the U-shaped armoured protector. Always wondered what it was for.
Will be removed, no problem.

I'm awaiting the John Meilings for my shop, so the first to arrive will be removed from his box. The only armoured MG34 I had is in the hull.

Zimmerit is probably wrong at the mantlet. Noticed that too late, and since it is a hell of job, I will not bother about that.

Glad you like it.
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Kent Wiik
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Post by Kent Wiik »

Hi Marcel,

Glad you took my comments the "good way" as some use to find them offending :oops:
Something I never had the intention to do, just help in my sometimes clumsy way (Arctic/Northern/always winter and darkness there) to do it :wink:

You have always asked the clever and appropriate question and it has been a pleasure to help.

Yes it is the area up front round the barrel that didn’t had any zimmerit.
No big deal as even the Littlefield Panther has zimmerit there.
All wrong but who is perfect...
But if I was you I would add the lifting lugs at the mantle ends (always on Ausf G) un less your Ausf G had an Ausf A turret (not that un common).

Kind regards
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Robert E Morey
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Post by Robert E Morey »

I really like the subtle green camo! Well done, will look most excellent when you paint the whole tank like this. Very clever hiding the switch in the gas can on turret side. I think your zimmerit looks great, mine is not perfect either! Keep going, its looking great.
Best regards,

Marcel de Groene
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Post by Marcel de Groene »

Hi Kent, Robert,

Thanks for the nice comments. Kent, I always keep in mind that if I ask something the outcome may or may not be what I expect.

I removed the lugs after what I saw on a picture. I guess this was an A afterall. Will be hard to get the lugs in again because the holes are filled up with carfiller. And I quite like the look without the lugs, so they might not return. :wink:
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Thomas Merzbach
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Post by Thomas Merzbach »

Hi Marcel,

Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »

Hi Marcel

One of my favorite camos, Hasty green over the base yellow. Looks very very good! Everything about it. LOVE IT!

Keep up the excellent work and entertaining posts.

Best regards
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John Fitzsimons
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Post by John Fitzsimons »

Very effective camo scheme. I will keep it in mind for a future project. Love the switches hidden inside the jerry can. Looking forward to seeing the finished model.

Marcel de Groene
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Re: 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

Post by Marcel de Groene »

Hi Guys,

I have finished my Panther, at last. The end of an era I guess. There are still some wishes but that will not change the appearance of my 10th Waffen SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Panther. I would like to thank esspecially Mark and Gill for there outstanding models and the support I had. Next to this everybody on this forum who contributed, gave me advice, showed interest and who inspired me. Underneath the latest pictures and some video of the animatronic and shell ejection system. Have fun...

The great exhaust kit from Bob Morey. Towing pintle, Notek light and starter plate have been custom made by me. Notek light has been made from an old glass fuse.



Vehicle identification numbers have been painted and the unit emblem has been reproduced.
Mike's periscopes have been used to replaced the stock items. They are really amazing allthough I used only half periscopes.
For information on the material I used for Zimmerit, take a look at my other post: "Zimmerit, just another method"

Painting vehicle identification numbers on Zimmerit is by far the nicest thing I have ever done on my Panther :roll:
Nice view on Mike's other fantastic parts...
Hope my contribution can keep him in business...

The commander, looking sharp as ever, very pleased with the final result. :shock:


Finaly some video of the animatronic in my Panther. Commander figure is built by Churchill Creations and customised by me. An extra servo directly connected to the body of the commander can make him turn his upper body. All animatronics are controlled by the Polulu Mini Maestro 12, which is easy to program. Sym, from Churchill Creations has put a very good "how to" on the craftsman forum.





Thanks for watching
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Thomas Merzbach
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Re: 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

Post by Thomas Merzbach »

fantastic !!!

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Re: 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

Post by leesellars »

Hello Marcel

Looking good 8)

Dont hit me so early in the morning with those negative waves.
Listen carefully i shall say this only once.
If its not broke dont fix it.
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Robert E Morey
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Re: 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

Post by Robert E Morey »

Superb details, your Panther turned out amazing. The paint work and zimmerit look excellent, well done, you should be proud and happy with the result. Time to enjoy your work now!
Best regards,

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Re: 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

Post by simon_manning »

well done marcel its a lot of effort to finish a build to this level you must be very pleased, i have enjoyed the posts, regards simon manning.

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Robert E Morey
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Re: 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Finished at last

Post by Robert E Morey »

Thank you for the nice comment on the exhaust kit. It looks excellent on your tank. I just noticed something else. Have you driven your tank enough to wear off all the cleats on the tracks??? They look smooth! :shock: :shock: :shock:
The painted numbers and unit insignia are really nice as well. Looks like the hull MG took a bullet right on the tip!

I can see your Panther rumbling down the street in Arnhem.
best -Bob

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