Hi Guys,
I have finished my Panther, at last. The end of an era I guess. There are still some wishes but that will not change the appearance of my 10th Waffen SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" Panther. I would like to thank esspecially Mark and Gill for there outstanding models and the support I had. Next to this everybody on this forum who contributed, gave me advice, showed interest and who inspired me. Underneath the latest pictures and some video of the animatronic and shell ejection system. Have fun...

The great exhaust kit from Bob Morey. Towing pintle, Notek light and starter plate have been custom made by me. Notek light has been made from an old glass fuse.

Vehicle identification numbers have been painted and the unit emblem has been reproduced.

Mike's periscopes have been used to replaced the stock items. They are really amazing allthough I used only half periscopes.

For information on the material I used for Zimmerit, take a look at my other post: "Zimmerit, just another method"

Painting vehicle identification numbers on Zimmerit is by far the nicest thing I have ever done on my Panther

Nice view on Mike's other fantastic parts...

Hope my contribution can keep him in business...

The commander, looking sharp as ever, very pleased with the final result.
Finaly some video of the animatronic in my Panther. Commander figure is built by Churchill Creations and customised by me. An extra servo directly connected to the body of the commander can make him turn his upper body. All animatronics are controlled by the Polulu Mini Maestro 12, which is easy to program. Sym, from Churchill Creations has put a very good "
how to" on the craftsman forum.
Thanks for watching