Regarding the courtesy to say "thanks"

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Kent Wiik
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Regarding the courtesy to say "thanks"

Post by Kent Wiik »

Hi all,

Sorry to bring up this sad subject but it is something that has been bothered me for quite some time.

I frequently get questions via mail or private messages regarding our hobby and how the real thing once looked like.
Something I happily do and if I can help in any way my pleasure.
But...a "thanks" is always welcome and as I answer at those questions on my tiny spare time not that big effort to thanks I think.

The last year/6 months a noticeable decline in what can be recall as "good old manners" here I have notice.
I am a frequent visitor at other forum (SAG, Missing Lynx etc) as well but question answered there always get rewarded with a "thank you".
And after a while one learn who one want to help or not, a black list exist 8)

Call me old fashioned or vain but at the age of 51 I was raised with those good manners but I believe sometimes Internet makes us forget there are real persons behind the keyboards, and believe everything is free just grab it.

Last month 5 people has asked me questions and only one (Luca) had the courtesy to thank me afterwards.
Maybe my answers were bad :oops: who knows I got no feedback...

It´s all in the details!

Tony Thompson
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Post by Tony Thompson »

Hello Kent

I agree, it's no trouble to display manners and politeness.. I am fairly new to this forum but have noticed this as well.. most of the replies that I have received have been spot on, polite and very helpful!!..
It is a shame when others can not be bothered.. manners cost nothing and help keep the good will between us all..

Kind regards Tony.

Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »

Hi my friend Kent

Have experienced the same thing many times with email but not that I can remember on forums.

When dealing with all sorts of people, you can expect all kinds of results. This hobby is no exception. Doesn't take away my enthusiasm or willingness to help the next person. Just let it roll of your back and carry on.

Kindest regards and a huge 'thank you' for everything.

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Steven Ford
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Post by Steven Ford »

Good manners cost nothing.

Compared with some, this site is an oasis of calm.

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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

I would like to think that I too have been brought up with good manners but, with the number of concurrent conversations the Internet now allows, I'm afraid I may be guilty of omitting to thank people who have provided help or assistance :oops:.

If this is the case, may I offer my belated thanks for all the assistance which members of all forums have provided over the years.

On a related subject, I am trained to hold doors for people but, having spent some time in London this week, I'm disheartened by the number of people who seem to feel that holding a smartphone in one hand and a branded coffee in the other is excuse enough not to assist their fellow man (or woman) :roll:

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John Clarke
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Post by John Clarke »

Hi Kent

Interesting read, partialy agree, If you've helped, informed, surggested or simply just put right, you should get always thankyou, a cheers mate or a Ta.
But sometimes, people just don't know how to accept information depending on how they feel at the time of reading, rather like an email.
I'm sure moods come into it too and depending how some messages are read at the time, they can be taken in entily the wrong way, ( hope your not doing so now) I sometimes dread getting an answer or question not knowing how it will be accepted and what level it should be put.
Praise or critisum is also a difficult subject to accept as some may not be able to deal with it. (that reminds me I must thank all for the generous adulation during my KT repaint, sorry Tim)
The main thing, like all hobbies it should be enjoyed by all as a fun respectful activity.
You'll have to start charging for your Time Investment like those
"fix it "web sites, there's plenty of money about in this forum, that way if you don't get a thankyou, you can always feel good counting the cash.
( bit like a Lawyer, Estate agent or an MP).
Thanks for the interesting post
Oh Man, I only ride em I don't know what makes them work,
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Robert E Morey
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Post by Robert E Morey »

Interesting post, and I agree with you. If I am one of the offenders (hope I am not) but if so, -I am sorry! Thank you for all the help you offered on past projects. Having someone with your knowledge not to mention actual real tank parts to measure was invaluable during my Panther project.

I love the detail and passion you put into your projects.

Best regards,

Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »

Hi John

I don't know why you are apologizing to me. :) I've had nothing but positive experiences with fellow builders on this forum. Both on the boards and through PM. Unless you are apologizing because you are further along on you King Tiger then I am? LOL

As Adrian said, maybe this is a good time and place to say thanks to everyone who has helped encourage, inspire and answered build related questions during my last five or more years here.

Thank you

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Marcel de Groene
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Post by Marcel de Groene »

Hi Kent,

I agree with you. Most of us do this in the scarse spare time we have nowadays. I usualy say "thanks in advance" when raising a question, because being almost the same age and develloping the memory of a goldfish I tend to forget those things... :wink:
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John Fitzsimons
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Post by John Fitzsimons »

Hi Kent,

I hope I thanked you for your help along the way. I would like to thank all who helped me along the way.

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