Hi Guys
I will be taking delivery of a batch of photo-etched parts on Monday. These parts are to fill current orders, I order some extra sets.
The following are available for order. Once these are gone you may have to wait until I get enough orders of these parts to run another batch of photo-etching.
Important notice!
If you want to be sure of getting my original parts order direct from me. I no longer supply my parts to other retailers.
Tiger 1 parts. Totals in brackets are the quantity I have available.
3 sets available
TT23 Tiger 1 Front Mudguards $250.00
TT23K Tiger 1 Front Mudguards as TT23 as a Kit $150.00
4 sets available
TT24 Tiger 1 Rear Mudguards Early Type $275.00
TT24K Tiger 1 Rear Mudguards Early Type as TT24 as a Kit $175.00
3 sets available
TT25 Tiger 1 Rear Mudguards Late Type $250.00
TT25K Tiger 1 Rear Mudguards Late Type as TT25 as a Kit $150.00
6 sets available
TT27 Tiger 1 Engine Grill Covers Set of 4 $110.00
TT27K Tiger 1 Engine Grill Covers Set of 4 as a Kit $60.00
Panther, Jagdpanther and Bergepanther parts I have available.
2 sets available (SOLD. Orders being taken for next batch.)
Pan01 to Pan10 Panther Set Sold as a complete set only $850.00
Pan01 to Pan08 Jagdpanther Set Sold as a complete set only $800.00
Pan01BP Bergepanther Set Sold as a complete set only $850.00
3 sets available
Pan21A Panther Exhaust Fan Grills and Covers Deluxe Set Assembled $200.00
Pan21AK Panther Exhaust Fan Grills and Covers Deluxe Set Kit $100.00
3 sets available
Pan22A Panther Engine Intake Grills and Covers Deluxe Set Assembled $250.00
Pan22AK Panther Engine Intake Grills and Covers Deluxe Set Kit $150.00
4 sets available
Pan22B Panther Engine Intake Grills Basic Set Assembled $125.00
Pan22BK Panther Engine Intake Grills Basic Set Kit $75.00
Parts ordered as kits will ship early Jan 2011. Assembled parts will ship late Jan - early Feb 2011.
I also have a batch of investment cast parts coming in the next two weeks or so. These are also to fill current orders but will have additional sets available. Cannot give totals of quantites available until I get the parts as there is always a loss of parts in casting. But I should have at least 6 sets of each. Sets listed all contain investment cast parts.
Tiger 1 and 2.
TT02A Tiger 1 Track Tow Rope Early with photo-etched & bronze cast fittings $125.00
TT02AK Tiger 1 Track Tow as TT02a as a Kit $85.00
TT03A Tiger 1 Tank Tow Ropes, Brass/Wood Cleaning Rod p-etch/bronze cast fittings $200.00
TT03AK Tiger 1 Tank Tow Ropes, Brass/Wood Rod Ends as TT03 a as a kit $135.00
TT03C Tiger 2 Tank Tow Ropes, Brass/Wood C/Rod as TT03a with long C/Rod $200.00
TT03CK Tiger 2 Tank Tow Ropes, Brass /Wood C/Rod Ends as TT03c as a kit $135.00
TT12 Tiger 1, 2 & Jagdtiger Track Tow Rope Late Version with brass p-etched fittings $60.00
TT12K Tiger 1, 2 & Jagdtiger Track Tow Rope Late as TT12 as a Kit $40.00
MG AA Mount.
TT11 Tiger 1 & 2 MG Mount and Cupola Ring $110.00
TT11K Tiger 1 & 2 MG Mount and Cupola Ring as a kit $80.00
TT11-01A Tiger 1 & 2, Panzer III & IV MG Mount only $100.00
TT11-01AK Tiger 1 & 2, Panzer III & IV MG Mount only as a Kit $70.00
Pan11 Panther MG AA Mount and Cupola Ring $120.00
Pan11K Panther MG AA Mount and Cupola Ring as Pan11 as a Kit $90.00
PZIIIT15 MG AA Mount (Panzer III L to N) $100.00
PZIIIT15K MG AA Mount (Panzer III L to N) Kit $70.00
Panzer III parts I have available
PZIIIT11AS Two short cable tow rope set. PzIII Ausf D to early L and Stug Ausf A to F $150.00
PZIIIT11ASK Two short cable tow rope set as a kit. PzIII Ausf D to early L and Stug Ausf A to F $105.00
PZIIIT11AL Two long cable tow rope set. PzIII Ausf E to early L $150.00
PZIIIT11ALK Two long cable tow rope set as a kit. PzIII Ausf E to early L $105.00
PZIIIT11B Two long cable tow rope set. PzIII Ausf E to N $140.00
PZIIIT11BK Two long cable tow rope set as a kit. PzIII Ausf E to N $95.00
PZIIIT11C Two long cable tow rope set. PzIII Ausf E to N $155.00
PZIIIT11CK Two long cable tow rope set as a kit. PzIII Ausf E to N $110.00
PZIIIT11D One long cable tow rope set. PzIII Ausf E & F $85.00
You can see pictures of these parts in my on line catalog at the following link. http://www.afceremonials.com/catalog-pages/
E-mail orders only please.
Mike Stannard (Toyrific)
6th Scale Icons Inc.