Hi Guys
I was asked by a customer if I could supply him with a basic Sternantenna D for his Panzer III, as most SD antennas are the same I was able to simply make a base to fit the sloping rear engine deck where the SD antenna is mounted when the tank is mobile. This was a simple resin masters and with a combination of parts from other SD antenna sets I was able to make the one pictured. I made two of the master bases, one for the customer and one to use as a master to make a mold to produce more. I have changed the rubber used to make the flexible base on all SD antennas as the rubber use to make the regular antenna bases (Gent007A and B) is to soft to support the extra weight of the Star antenna. The flexible base with all SD antennas will now have a higher density which will hold the SD antenna upright and still be slightly flexible. This basic SD Antenna Set for the Panzer III is available for order.
PZIIIT31 Sternantenna D Set ( PzIII Ausf K to end. Command Tanks Only) $125.00
To correctly model a Pz III command tank it also requires a additional rotating antenna base for the fitting of a 1.4 m antenna, I may make the rotating antenna base in the future. Here are some plans of the changes made to the Pz III to convert them to command tanks.
Panzer III command tanks up to Ausf J had a frame antenna mounted on the engine deck. This was used when the tank was mobile. When static a SD Antenna was mounted on a 9 meter mast which was raise through the signal port on the turret roof. From Panzer III Ausf K onwards the frame antenna was discontinued and a armored base was mounted on the rear of the engine deck. This was used to mount the SD antenna for use when the tank was mobile, the mast was continued for use when the tank was static.
If there is enough interest in the frame antenna and the telescoping mast I can make them in the near future. If you are interested let me know.
Estimated prices
Frame Antenna $125 to $150.
9 m Teliscoping Mast $400 to $500
Here is a prototype I made of the 9 meter mast which I originally made for the SD251 Command Vehicle with the larger version of the star antenna top, it has not been put into production. This is the same basic mast used on the Panzer III, the mast shown has 8 sections, the Pz II mast had only 7. Unfortunately there is no easy way to make these. It is all hand work and therefore will make them expensive. It will not actually function, but can be changed from stowed to erected for diorama display. Height when erected 1.5 m, plus star antenna ( about 5.5 feet). Mast will be offered with either the large version of the star antenna or the smaller one or both.