Hi Guys
Have finished the periscope mounts for the cupola, it took some time to figure out how to make these work and how to hold them in place. I was hoping to use the screw and stop like the real ones, but could not make it work in this scale. As it is the detail included in the mounts is a time consuming process as each one is bent into shape, soldered and then additional detail added, with seven mounts for each cupola it will take more time than anticipated. The current price of the cupola will be honored until June 15, 2010, Then the price will increase to compensate for the additional time and parts for the periscope mounts production.
Resin casting mold for cupola bodies and hatch covers will be made next week. Estimated completion of current orders end of June.
Purchase prices until June 15, 2010
Pan24A Panther Cupola Assembled $600.00
Pan24K Panther Cupola Kit $350.00
Prices as of June 16, 2010
Pan24A Panther Cupola Assembled $700.00
Pan24K Panther Cupola Kit (Will include 7 assembled periscope mounts) $450.00
Assembled periscope mounts are included in the cupola kit as these require individual machining and skilled soldering which cannot be done by a soldering iron or torch.
Pictures of production cupola and kit will be posted once resin castings are made.
Pan24K1 Panther Cupola Exterior Upgarde Kit for Armortek $125.00
For more pictures and information go to following post.
http://www.armortek.co.uk/forum/viewtop ... ght=#12442
Pan24K2 Panther Cupola Exterior Detail Kit $225.00
(As Pan24K1 with resin cast cupola, hatch cover and 7 periscope top spacers.)
Pan24K3 Panther Cupola Periscope Covers x 7 $45.00
As shown in above picture.
New periscope mounts.
For more information on the Panther Cupola read the following posts.
http://www.armortek.co.uk/forum/viewtop ... ght=#17112
http://www.armortek.co.uk/forum/viewtop ... ght=#16522
http://www.armortek.co.uk/forum/viewtop ... ight=#5630
Please e-mail orders.