List of other potential parts to be made.

Armortek owners can buy and sell 1/6 scale accessories and detail parts. note: Armortek does not necessarily endorse these products and can accept no liability for contractual disputes
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

List of other potential parts to be made.

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

I decided to condense all other potential parts to be made into one post. I have not made prototypes of these parts and most have not been researched, so no estimated prices.

Parts for Tiger 2.
1. Engine Grill Covers, all types. (Photo-etched brass and copper mesh)
2. Engine Grill Cover Step Plates. (Photo-etched brass or cut aluminum)
3. Drivers Rotating Periscope. (Cast white metal)
4. Loaders Hatch (Cast white metal)
5. Spare Antenna Stowage Tube. (Photo-etch brass and tubing)
6. Engine access hatch hinges and lock bars. (Cast white metal)
7. Jack block with wing nut fitting. (Wood, photo-etch brass and working wing nut)

Tiger 1
8. Smoke and Grenade Dischargers (All metal)

9. Drivers Rotating Periscope. (Cast white metal)

Other parts used on several types of tanks.
1. Working Jacks (15-20 ton) based on Roland Mann design with permission. (All metal)
2. Armored Hinges (Panther and Panzer III) (Cast white metal)
3. 88 mm three round wicker carrier. (Resin and photo-etched brass) I now have all detail to produce this correctly.

Once again send me a list of your interest, plus any other parts you would like made.


Fredrik Jorgensen
Posts: 361
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Location: Stockholm Sweden
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Post by Fredrik Jorgensen »

Mike u have PM


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