Wiring problems

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David Hopkins

Wiring problems

Post by David Hopkins »

Can anybody help, I've wired up the sherman, I can get the tank to go forward, backwards, left and right, I can get the heating eliment to work in the smoke machine, but I can't get the sound to work, the tarret rotation,the gun elevation to work or the motor for the blank firing system to work.

Any Ideas?


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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

Hi David.

Have you got a servo you can use to test the outputs of the receiver channels - to see if they are responding as you operate the transmitter :?:

Do the Electronize relays click when you operate the channels (I can't remember for sure but I think they should) :?:

Do you have a meter you can use to check that 24V is getting to the Electronize units :?:


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