A question for Mark/Gill on Weight

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Jim Fowler
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A question for Mark/Gill on Weight

Post by Jim Fowler »

Mark and/or Gill,

Allen Richards asked a question on ride height in another thread and it compells me to request some general information from you:

What is the total weight of the motion, sound and smoke packages?

This information would allow me and others that have not obtained these packages yet, set/check the ride height of our Panzer 3's in the meantime.

Of course, if anyone else has this info, please reply as well.


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Post by Armortek »

Hi Jim

Sorry for the delay, the weight of the motion, pack, smoke and sound is approximately 15 kilos. Please remember this does not include batteries.

Hope this helps.


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Post by leesellars »

Hello Jim

You dont have to set the ride height up. The setting of the Suspension torsion bars is the main facture.When it is loaded up with the convensional package the ride height settles down on its own.

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Jim Fowler
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Post by Jim Fowler »

Gill, THANKS! This information helps a lot; nnd, I very much appreciate you taking time to get it for me - and others.

Lee, I understand what you are saying. But, having this lets me sort of look at it ahead of time, as some Christmas purchases have sort of set me back on my motion pack and accessory purchase. I feel better checking it to ensure its right by giving it the "loaded" test - so-to-speak. It's just a "me" thing, I guess. I have made mistakes in the past on other thing; so, having this lets me double-check my work. I hate to admit this, but I am a modeller with "feet-of-clay" sometimes - still after all these years (GRIN!)


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