Leopard rear vent assembly. Drawing 20.

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Leopard rear vent assembly. Drawing 20.

Post by Erichornby »

Evening gents, this is my first foray into large metal kit building and although challenging is very enjoyable. I have reached a stage in the build, whilst waiting for news on the option packs ordered, I am proceeding with other work that may have otherwise been deferred and have decided to build the rear vent assembly. It would appear that the main mounting CV 0323 requires mounting on to the rear plate CV 0107 via the adaptor plate CV 0324 as a preliminary, due to the 3 off M3 x 12 CSK screws being masked by the steel, pressed surround CV 0314. This also requires mounting with the 6 off slotted air vent supports CV0316, 315 etc. Prior to installation of the 11 off air vent louvres CV 0317 due to the louvres masking the M3 x 12 Button head bolts. So far so good, unfortunately I assumed that the louvres would slide relatively easily into position, having tried a couple of the slots prior to starting the build.
First mistake was to prime everything first, closed up the slots, no problem, remove the primer and try again, however with the frame mounted vertically to the hull access to the slots proves very awkward. I found it impossible to mount the louvres. Eventually removed everything, glued the 3 x CSK bolts to CV 0323 so that I could build the assembly on the bench. De burred the edges of all 66 slots and then realised that the slots themselves are very tight with approximately 30% undersize. Each was eased with a slitting disc in my Dremell until all the louvres were slide fitting. Also noted that the M3 x 25 hex bolts fitted to position CV 0318, (couldn't find the Button bolts) foul on the back of the 3rd louvre and required removal of 2.0 mm to allow full location. Sub section was then rebuilt ready for replacement on the rear plate. All told probably about 4 hours work for a 90 minute job.
Had a look on the forum for any other comments but none found. Perhaps I am just unlucky but worthwhile checking the fits very carefully.
Eric Hornby

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