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Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:25 am
by michael hilton
Okay guys, Bench Setup, I started from scratch and have now reinstalled and reprogrammed,with the following results. I have two stick control.
I have both motors and the 'sounds' working. I have the recoil working, servo recoils and the LEDs flash.
The three servos will operate in any and all Rx positions.
When I connect 'either' RC lead from the Motor Control B to the receiver, in any channel, the two motors stop working.
The Turret Turn motor will run under control.
The Motor Control B module when connected to the Rx has a 'live power feed', which is not used ?
The Bow M/G sounds work, I cannot get the Bow M/G LEDs to flash. I have tried all outputs including the output indicated in the instructions.
The 75mm and 37mm gun sounds when activated just ain't right, sounds like someone sneezed, I rest my case....Mick
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 11:37 am
by John Clarke
Hi Mick
I ll have a word with Stuart Faulkner as I know he has a Sound package and you can compare notes.
Glad to hear you've ok with the drive control.
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 1:39 pm
by michael hilton
Hello John and thank you for your reply. It is most perplexing. I can have either the main motors running as they both should, with sounds etc,. or conversely, enable all the other options, recoil, slew, elevation, turret rotate working, with sounds, but not both.
The bow M/G sounds are there, but no LED flash, and the 75mm/37mm sounds are barely audible, a soft 'chuff'. I have retaught the card in the Audio Module, with no improvement. I have researched these guns on utube, they give out a considerable thump, I have a much different sound altogether...I know there are some knowledgeable radio control buffs out there in the mists of time....just can't seem to reach them
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:17 pm
by michael hilton
Finally called it a day with my Bench Setup. The all new electronic units, a instruction guide easy to understand and follow. I browsed the Knowledge Base and tracked a number of articles which appear to reflect my issues. So near and yet so far. Maybe the weekend will make some sense of it all.
Just cannot understand why I loose control to the drive motors by simply adding the Motion Control B module to the receiver....I had England for light relief last night, tonight it's an early night, can't imagine what the wife will say
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:05 am
by michael hilton
Good morning chaps, continue to add detail. I need to resolve the Options problems before moving on. The motors have to be installed next.
Back to the 'Bench Setup'....I have posted a photograph showing the Motor Control B, there are two outputs which do not appear to match. One power lead is missing it's this the lead I should be using to power the Turret turn...maybe, maybe not.
I will tread water over the weekend, then it's back to the experts at Armortek….Mick
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:25 am
by Vince Cutajar
Hi Michael
Can't help much as I am relatively new to R/C but I feel your frustration. I suspect that the reason you are not getting any replies from other members is that this is a new system and hardly anybody has any experience in using it.
From what I can understand Motor Control A is used for the drive motors and Motor Control B for the other smaller motors and most probably fed by the audio module. These are just suppositions. Maybe if you post a schematic diagram (with Armortek's permission) you might get more responses.
Hang in there.
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:35 am
by Phil Woollard
I wish I could help you Mick !
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:17 am
by michael hilton
Thank you Vince, I agree with your comments and thank you Phil for your support.
The motion control modules A and B do appear to control specific sides of the system. The modules and attached instructions are very clear, They 'handhold' and guide you through every stage of the bench setup. The best instructions I have come across for many a long year. My frustration is compounded by the limited amount of time I have available to set aside for my hobby. I will sit tight over the weekend, then it's back to the RC guys at Armortek.
Thanks again..Mick
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 12:25 pm
by Armortek
Mick, email us the problem that you face and some pictures of the setup.
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:51 pm
by michael hilton
Hello Kian/Armortek, thank you for your reply. I have a PM from Adrian. I am working with his advice. I have managed to resolve the main motor issue. The Motion Control B is suppling power to the Rx, which already has power, I removed the positive pin from the Rx lead, there is no longer a conflict. Both main motors now run separately and in conjunction with the turret turn motor, it's possible that the leads in the Motion Control B box, are reversed. However, I am ok with the results so far.
The other problem is a possible programming issue. the M/G LEDs are not in sync with the M/G sound. Also, there is low sound 'volume' on the main gun, the volume control on the 'sound' card is possibly set too low.
I will see how I progress and email Armortek direct if I am unable to resolve these issues.
Best wishes, Mick.
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:52 pm
by michael hilton
Hello Kian, I now have the main motors/turret turn/servos/recoil/flash working ok. The only issues are, the main guns can hardly be heard above the engine noise. I have set the volume on my Transmitter with the sound card, as high as it will go. The M/G LEDs are not in sync with the M/G sounds. Everything else is tickety boo, fingers and toes crossed.
That's about it for now, and many thanks to Adrian.
Please advise me regarding the 75mm and 37mm main gun sound problem. I want to frighten the neighbours, regards Mick
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:00 pm
by Stuart Faulkner
I had a few issues when I first connected everything up and the biggest issue was the Three on servo plugs can be plugged in upside down in several places which causes various issues. Once connected correctly it all works.
I am differing from yourself as I’m using the special recoil pack.
Do your machine guns flash as mine just light up and stay on?
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:28 pm
by michael hilton
Hello Stu, I am impressed, that is some tight fit for all your options, a very nice build, looking forward to the paint job. Well done mate.
I have the Recoil Pack not the Special. The M/G LEDs should flash, mine do not even light up. Adrian ( he who has all knowledge) said it's to do with the programming of the sound card. I will have to return my Audio Module to Armortek for a re 'flash', I believe that is the technical term.
My main gun 'sounds' are nothing like a 75mm or 37mm, more like a very restrained sneeze. I will also ask the RC guys at Armortek to enable the M/G LEDs.
I did have a real issue with the Options, it's a long frustrating story. Again Adrian came to my rescue, with his advice I resolved the issue. I would guess the all New Options system needs to bed in. I like the smaller modules and the instructions are fine, just needs a tweak here and there. If the modules are factory set ok, then the options and instructions will be a 'shoe in' even for some one new to this wonderful hobby....all the best, Mick
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:35 am
by michael hilton
Good morning each, quick update reference the Bench Test. The mechanical systems and operational bits are all working fine, I am pleased and grateful for the help received, reference Adrian, thank you. The audio system needs a reset. The main 75mm and 37mm guns are not responding, and the M/G LED flash is not working at all.
I have been notified that the dinning room table is to be cleared forthwith. The surrounding area needs dusting and all furniture is to be returned to it's rightful position. All this in preparation for the raising of the Christmas Tree.
I could go on.....
On the basis that the red box option units are sealed and are not to be opened, I am obliged to return the Audio Module for adjustment. Finally, in spite of the problems, I still think these new Option Modules and instructions are well presented and definitely the way forward, well done Armortek
Re: Mick's Grant
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 8:44 am
by michael hilton
Good morning all, moving on while the Audio Module is fixed. I am pleased to have the 'Bench Test' pretty much resolved, Thanks again to the Forum ,so I have installed the drive motors.
I was aware of the problems with access for the motors, because of the 'hull web' being in the way. So, early on I only made a temporary installation of the Sprocket Drive. Then you can very quickly and easily remove the sprocket drive, then assemble the motor and mount before fixing in the hull. The motor and mount (do not forget the Spacer) easily pass the 'Web'. Then reinstall the sprocket drive.
One problem for myself. Having already assembled most, if not all of the front hull top deck. There was no room to fit the M3 x !6 Cap Heads with the nuts from inside the hull for the right hand motor. Big mistake. So I introduced the M3 x 16 cap heads from inside the hull, held in place with a small dab of Araldite. The sprocket drive cover is then fixed by screwing the M3 nuts on from the outside.
I would hope to trial fit the rest of the 'Options' next. I take much pleasure in listening to the motors run and firing the 'big guns'....rattles the plates and makes my wife jump