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Re: Firefly kit

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:39 am
by Dennis Jones
Hi John,
Very impressive. Where did the 19 transreceiver set come from ? Used to have a real one of those years ago and an 18 set all fully working, wish I'd kept them now.

Re: Firefly kit

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:45 pm
by John Wiggins
Hi Dennis

The 19 set is a kit from They do lots of German radios, some with decals some without.
They are excellent kits.
I still have a 19set, I don't know whether it still works, it's been in store since I got rid of my workshop, several years ago.
It's a post wwII one (no B set) , but it is complete with all the leads and variometer. It is on a carrier, I cannot lift it on my own!!
Also got complete Mk1 38 set, no batteries, of course, but it works off a home made PSU.
I've Also got quite a bit of Clansman kit.
You might have guessed from the above that I am a radio amateur, I have been licensed since 1975, with the call G8KUZ.

I have bought the Futaba 7 channel radio control kit, from Arnortek, so that I can I can have a go at making a sound card, and play with some sound.
My last go with RC, was in the 1970's . A lot has changed since then! :roll: I can't believe the amount of switches, and the thickness of the manual. I hope I don't have to do much programming to get it to work with the Firefly kit! :shock:

What is involved in converting the TX into single stick operation?

Re: Firefly kit

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:15 pm
by Mick Regan
Hi John

Converting a 7C to single stick operation is easy. Open the menu and get to the ELEVON funtion. Enable the elevon and set both AIL and EVE to 100%. Thats it :!: You will now be driving off the right hand stick using channels 1 & 2 on the Rx. If you find it turns too quick, reduce the AIL %, not quick enough, reduce the ELE %, but most people seem to be happy on 100%.

Hope this helps


Re: Firefly kit

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:32 am
by Dennis Jones
Hi John,
Thanks for the info. I was going to get in to Amateur radio when I was a lad, the music teacher in school was one and he used to give a few of us morse lessons in the lunch hours but I got into cars and being a tv/radio engineer never progressed with it, that was in the 50/60's. If you want to use left hand stick instead of right for steer/motion you will have to change the mode. Don't forget you have got to use a proportional channel for sound card.