Good morning
Yesterday I deleted the existing Churchill model from the Taranis transmitter and copied over the Tiger model. After rebinding the receiver all works as expected on the trolley with the tracks jacked up. Too busy today with puppy sitting Avon so I will do a ground test tomorrow so its ready for the Ruishton village day this Saturday. As you can see this is a work in progress but it might be interesting for the public to see a tank being built.
I had a problem with the rear deck plates sticking up above the level of the rear plate so ended up bending the joining strip down the centre line until it all lined up.
I have also filled in the gap between the two middle hinges for the hatches on the mid deck. On the AVRE at Bovington the hinge is a single piece with two arms for the hatch attachment. I used car filler then profiled it to match the hinge shape. Welds were then applied using Milliput.
The hatch stays work very well and I like the detail they add to the mid deck. All the extra screws have been added so it just leaves the exhaust system to be completed which I hope to finish next week. As I am building a bespoke exhaust system the kit holes in the mid deck have been filled in. The covers will be fitted as per full size using the studs on the collars and four brackets on the sides of the exhaust boxes. the boxes rested on what looks like shallow troughs welded to the deck so I will repurpose/reshape the kit strips and add two more.
I haven't sprayed the turret roof yet as I am still contemplating building a new cupola with periscopes as per the full size AVRE, this depends on how I can fabricate the large parts on my small lathe. Should have bought a larger lathe
Well, I am off now for the arduous task of playing with a puppy, somebody has to do it
- One piece centre hinges on mid deck
2021 Late Tiger 1 Abteilung 301 (Funklenk), 2022 Churchill Mk3 AVRE, 2x Czech Hedgehogs, 2024 Triple span Bailey Bridge, M26 Pershing, 17 Pounder and Limber.