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Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:48 am
by Chang
A very impressive KT Simon, even with so many KTs already shown in this forum, yours is still outstanding. :shock:
After the initial test driving, have you adjusted the left front mud guard shape? I have done so, otherwise the left track will keep on hitting it.
Thanks for sharing these photos.
L Chang

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:18 pm
by chris fry
hello Simon,

just echoing the other comments, very nice, are we going to see her at the open day!!,

cheers, chris.

KT bolts

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:44 am
by Edward Earp, Jr.
Hello Simon ! I'm a rookie at this tank building business. Your photos and absoutely outstanding work just knocks me out !!! Man I gotta long way to go !!! Working on the wheels of my KT I found out right off that I had to make changes with the M2.5x30mm bolts......I kept stripping the threads ! You provided the answer to that problem ! Please tell me what bolts you are using to hold down the deck plates ? Something else. What's the best way to get Mikes jack mounted at the back of my KT?
Your photos as is said, are worth a thousand words !!!!
Thank you for your time and trouble. Ed Earp, Jr. KT # 50

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:05 pm
by simon_manning
thank you all very much, i am pleased you like the build, chang the front mudgaurds are a bit tight to the tracks so you have to make the best of them as they are,, hi edward i have let the top deck just sit in place with no fixings, the weight of the turret holds it in situ for the amount i'm going to run the tank, also steve winston sells the jack brackets for the kingtiger at the correct angle. once again thanks for the encouragement, simon manning.

Re: King Tiger Build

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:14 pm
by simon_manning
This is a project my friend has made for me for my king tiger turret. fastening clips for the shells to complete plus shell decals/ paintwork etc to follow. The shells are made from brass and aluminium and all the racks fold to scale as on the original. i am very pleased with the result.
regards Simon Manning

Re: King Tiger Build

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:20 am
by Brian Ostlind
This thread will be a great reference for future KT builders.

Re: King Tiger Build

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:42 am
by Andy Robinson
Hi simon good morning to you I hope you’re well I just wanted to say thank you for your help and advice on painting my new king tiger
When she arrives in January and for making myself and my brother feel very welcome as did every one from Armourtek we had a fantastic day so thanks once again Simon Andrew Robinson

Re: King Tiger Build

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 7:37 pm
by Andy Robinson
hi simon
good evening to you I hope your keeping well I was wandering if you could take the time to answer a couple of questions on my king tiger firstly I have built and etch primed the lower hull but no suspension as yet so I was wandering when to do weld detail and if I need to remove top yet again lol before fitting suspension wheels tracks etc also ive etched primed hull so do I red oxide next then hairspray as you mentioned before then is grey with black highlights before applying camo also do I need to paint wheels and all components separately before fitting thanks in advace simon hope to see you again soon

Re: King Tiger Build

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:48 am
by Kenneth Hartsfield
This is a well presented review of the 2009 KT and laid out very clearly. Thanks Simon and I periodically come back to this particular thread for tips on my KT refit.
