Radio equipment

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mick whittingham
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Radio equipment

Post by mick whittingham »

Hi all.
My kit arrived today and I'm looking for suitable radio equipment for the Series 1 car.
Most of the information on the forum relates to tank operation. What is the best basic transmitter and receiver set up that will operate the car with sound and lights?
I live in South Yorkshire, I'm struggling to find a shop where I can pop in and look at transmitters before I buy. Any recommendations on where to buy a good system from? Is it just a case of trusting to the Internet lol.

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Re: Radio equipment

Post by Jerry Carducci »

A good quality system of any brand or type of contemporary 'computer' radio system should be able to run just about any model you care to operate.

Differences are in the operating system that the systems use, slight to moderate differences in the physical interface controls and the numbers of these;
in addition to the normal 2 gimbals (joysticks), pots, sliders, switches and buttons.

It's really up your own preferences and depending who you speak with nearly everyone in the RC hobby has their own favorite and no doubt you'll hear about them here. If you've already experience with RC you're likely to already know what you like. If not I suggest first finding others near you if possible who operate models similar to what you wish to operate and speak with them and then scan through the threads here to get an idea of what works.

Jerry - RC tanks: stay home, build a tank and save a life!

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Re: Radio equipment

Post by Armortek »

Our recommendation:

Cheap and cheerful but does the job (pretty easy to set up and use):
Flysky FS I6 6 Channel Transmitter + FS IA6 Receiver

More expensive, highly capable (more complex to set up, easy to use):
Transmitter: FrSky Taranis X9D Plus 2019 (
Receiver: FrSky X8R Receiver (

Transmitters and receivers are also available from retailers other then the ones mentioned.

mick whittingham
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Re: Radio equipment

Post by mick whittingham »

Thanks for the information. I found the Armortek recommended transmitter and receiver online so I'm awaiting delivery.

Aaron Taylor
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Re: Radio equipment

Post by Aaron Taylor »

Mick which one did you go with??

mick whittingham
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Re: Radio equipment

Post by mick whittingham »

His Aaron.
I've gone with the FrSky X9D as recommended by Armortek. I haven't used this type of transmitter before so I'm hoping it's not going to be too difficult to set up.

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