The life and times of No 28.

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Charles A Stewart
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Somewhere for the battery

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Hi Folks.

Another installment of L & T's of No 28, S1 L******er.

What is going to happen next is not my idea, it has come from someone else: Thank you fan 8).

The idea of strapping a battery underneath the seats is logical. But how do you get access to it!

You can't easily. Not without unbolting the centre section (unless you up turn the model :roll:). If you propose to add detail, that might suffer too.

The Fan (who must remain anonymous 8) ), suggested making, in true L/**** fashion, access from above :) :shock: :-D :!:

Produce a plate, some bending still require at the forward end to match chassis.
Produce a plate, some bending still require at the forward end to match chassis.
Place battery in place (OK, grammar isn't a strong point)
Place battery in place (OK, grammar isn't a strong point)
Cover battery with centre section. marked area is where the hatch is going. Note the m2.5 btn's, so it all fits nicely.
Cover battery with centre section. marked area is where the hatch is going. Note the m2.5 btn's, so it all fits nicely.
After all you still need to lift the seats on many modern L/*s to gain access to facilities.

Have fun and take care.

Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.

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Charles A Stewart
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Good evening folks.

Hope all are well and enjoying the weekend.

I got the cutters out and made (bodged/hacked) a hatch for the the battery. I did cut out the hatched area(previous post), but it proves to tight for the battery illustrated here. Therefore I just cut a battery sized hole and it drops in nicely :-D
Battery only just fits, but the lid does close.
Battery only just fits, but the lid does close.
Some of the rivets will be replaced during the tidying up process.

With the seats fitted "Wot Hatch"
Seats dry fitted to see, see what?
Seats dry fitted to see, see what?
Just a thought, link the seat backs and seat together for easier removal 8)

Still one step at a time though.

Cheers all
Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.

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John Clarke
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by John Clarke »

I do love it when a plan comes together 8)
Space enough for a bottle of wine or two. :D
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Charles A Stewart
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Hi all.

As I own an S1 L***********r, I believe in a a bit of sofistiction 🤪

So :-
Please put your re-freshments in an appropriate container.
Please put your re-freshments in an appropriate container.
Drinking in the workshop, well I...never😃, maybe the occasional 🍺 🍻, only problem solving purposes, honest.

Cheers all

Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.

David Wilcoxen
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by David Wilcoxen »

Beautiful build! I owned a 1952 edition when I was younger, got teased mercilessly by the Jeep croud until the real 4 wheeling started, then it was my turn to laugh and point. That machine would literally go anywhere I decided to take it. These kits look to be as well built as the originals.
It looks like you are having great fun building it.
All The Best,

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Charles A Stewart
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Thank you David for the kind comments, I hope I do the model justice. There will be a couple of modifications along the way to suit my preferences, yes it is a bit of a fun build, we hope to take it out again soon for another test run as all the electrics are now squared away.

Take care.

Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.

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Charles A Stewart
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Hi folks.

a small update since I last posted.

I have managed to get all the "Gubbins" under the bonnet (hood, USA), battery under the seat, as seen earlier. Before we took the S1 out today I had a rethink, regarding the enormous On/Off switch and its very stiff wires.

Where ever I placed units under the bonnet (hood,USA) that wiring loom knocked/pulled them out of place, so:-

Remove spade connectors.
Remove spade connectors.
Solder direct to switch connectors
Solder direct to switch connectors
The small modification worked, able to slip the switch in next to the radiator(opposite side to steering servo).

Then we went for a drive, which was nice:-

Yes, the bonnet (hood,USA) needs sorting, as and when.

Two great helps would be appreciated.

1/ "Chatter" (on the speaker)from the steering servo, we have limited its travel, which helped a bit but its there in the background.

2/ Short of (suggested) sticking sawdust and loads of grease in the gearing/drive system. Is there a way of making it a bit quieter?

Enjoy the weekend.



PS We did manage to drive the S1 all the way over "Tank" hill, honest :shock: :shock:
Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.

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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by johnny johnson »

I have to ask where the noise is coming from, the gears in the axles or the geared motor unit, I looked at my gears when I checked in the parts but dont remember if they are from an 1/8 scale buggy as used in the 222 or were they custom made for this kit, could make a difference.

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Adrian Harris
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Adrian Harris »

A large capacitor in the power feed to the servo will help the electrical noise - I had to do that with the first gen if recoil modules.

I found the straight cut gears in the Quad quietened down when run in with gearbox oil for an hour or so.

Contact me at for details of my smoker fan control module

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Charles A Stewart
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Thank you Johnny and Adrian for your replies.

Johnny, good point, well made. I plan on a strip down, now every thing goes round as it should, albeit loudly. Will work on the individual elements and see what happens. As Adrian suggests a good hour or so running on the beech will be a good start.

The diff units seem to appear all over the internet, or at least they are very similar. I will make notes during the strip.

Capacitors, sorry Adrian I'm a numpty regarding electronics. Could you define large please, I see they are easy enough to get hold of, just like to get the right sort/size.

To fit the capacitor, I take it I would attach it the red wire of the servo?.

Many thanks for the help and observations.

Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.

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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Adrian Harris »

I used a 10000uF capacitor for the recoil servo.

You just wire it across the power leads for the servo, positive to positive, negative to negative. The closer to the servo the better.

It acts as a reservoir and prevents current spikes from traveling back up the 5V supply line to the Benedini board.

Assuming it's a 5V servo, this one should be suitable:

Contact me at for details of my smoker fan control module

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Charles A Stewart
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Charles A Stewart »

Hi Folks.

Done it. Strip down doesn't take long at tall, modular body panels, very handy.

It has given me the chance to fine the source of the "noise" in the running gear. After I removed the motor I found the diffs/gearbox connections span without a sound, lovely. :o

So what next. After remounting and adjusting the motor, the "noise" returned :roll:

We found it was the "add on" reduction gearbox:-
Spot the lubrication, not!!
Spot the lubrication, not!!
Greased, assembled and it now runs a lot quieter. Of course there is going to be some background mechanical "noise" but I hope we have reduced it to an acceptable level, i.e. we can hear the sound card over the gear box.

Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.

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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by Vince Cutajar »

Happy you managed to find the source of the noise.
Enjoy following your build progress.


David Hartwell
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by David Hartwell »

Good Evening Charles, really enjoying this build. The beep beep at the end of the last video made me chuckle. In reply to your request for some m2 dust caps, are these the type of things you are looking for. They are 2.1mm I/D and even have the pointy bits at the top like my classic ones. I do hope you don't mind me adding that photo, I'm not sure what the etiquette is, maybe I should have asked first. Hope they are of some use to you.
Regards, Dave.

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John Clarke
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Re: The life and times of No 28.

Post by John Clarke »

As the No1 fan, I can safely say those dust covers cap it all. :D
Though, I think a little silicon sealer may save some searching when the S1 comes home one short after a off road trundle. Beep beep :lol:
Nice One Dave.(x5+1)
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