A Day at the Ranch

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Tim Bowman
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A Day at the Ranch

Post by Tim Bowman »

Hi all,

This weekend, Bay Area Tankers held their two day "Battle Days" event at it's usual meeting place, Jacques Littlefield's Ranch. This meeting and tour was extra fun due to the fact that fellow Armortek owner Bob Morey flew down from Seattle to join in the fun. I was able to stretch the legs on my Panther and meet Bob and talk tanks (1:6th and full size). It was awesome!

Since we are both building Panthers, we were obviously more interested in the Panther Ausf A still undergoing restoration in the shop. We had a great time and were fortunate enough to be invited to spend some time on our own, after the tour, to photograph the Panther to our hearts content and talk with Mike Green about the project. Unfotunately, I had camera issues :x and had to resort to poor quality cell phone pics. But Hopefully when Bob returns home, he will post some better quality ones.

These three were just too funny so I had to post them. We also took some video of my Panther driving under the real thing. Thank's Bob for making it such a great day.

Boy it was fun!




Kent Wiik

Post by Kent Wiik »

You 2 must have had a stunning day - Oh, how I would have loved to be there as well :!:
Please just keep those photos coming.

Is that track link a ww2 one or is it a new made one?
I think I have heard somewhere Jacques caste new ones for his Panther.


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Robert E Morey
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Post by Robert E Morey »

No they are the real McCoy (i.e. real WWII links). He has bins full of them. But they are restoring the ice cleat part onto each link by welding new metal on! Wow! A lot of work for the employees!

More photos soon, hopefully video too. Fantastic weekend!

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Robert E Morey
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Post by Robert E Morey »

Well since my gallery seems to be permanently hosed, I will post a few more photos here. Sorry folks this seems to be the only method that works at the moment. A few more shots of the cool stuff we saw at Jacques Littlefields' Pony Tracks Ranch. The M7 Priest, M3 half track and M26 Dragon wagon are Tiff William's amazing scratch builds and are 1/16 scale. Hopefully the links to the movies will work as well! - Bob


Kent Wiik

Post by Kent Wiik »

Hi Bob,

Thanks for posting those photos and films.
Has tried to enter your gallery at least once a day now with no luck... :?

Good to see what you guys look like (better then expected... :wink: )
I think I would have had my best day ever spending it in that garage.
Tim’s Panther is really something and Jacques isn’t bad either...


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