Building up my book shelf.

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Fredrik Jorgensen
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Building up my book shelf.

Post by Fredrik Jorgensen »

This friday some books dropped in from Amazon.
And i was amazed by the sheer weight of the books: The Combat History Of Schwere Panzer Abteilung 503it weight in on my scale at 1,5kgs!!!!!. It has keept me in a dreamstate for the whole weekend. I have read wolfgang Schneiders tiger 1 and 2 books several times and they are awesome but this is like a leap back in time. As the former commanders and platoon leaders read from their own personal war notes. I was stunned several times from the reading about the KT and its performance that they held a headhodge position for like 12 h under heavy fire and managed to fix tracks and did some maintence (while fired upon)and was able to pull back by own machine. If you intend to build a 503 Tiger or KT i strongly recomend this book. Very large clear photos and interesting battle plans in it, plus interesting and breathtaking reading.
And for reference build i had to get Germanys Tiger tanks by Thomas L jentz and Hilary L Doyle.
Wich has loads of drawings and blueprints of the tanks itself, a must have aswell.

Im probably goin nuts, but its half the pleasure reading and finding out stuff about both the tank and the Abt you are going to build.
And its keeps the stress of my back aswell.
I know i lack the eye for some details as im a Noob in 1/6 as my gaming son would say, but i love this forum and are looking into the skill of the ppl in it. And i find you guys amazing both in craftmanship as in the technical parts.
I probably log in 5 or more times a day to watch if there is some new posts :) so you can easely say im hooked on big models from now.

Keep it up guys

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Post by leesellars »

Hello Fredrik

Those books are worth thier weight in gold. Well done. Very good referance material. i can recomend them aswell.

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Listen carefully i shall say this only once.
If its not broke dont fix it.
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Dale jordan
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Post by Dale jordan »

Hello Freddie . Can I have a link to these books or a photo of them ...Dale

Dale jordan
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Post by Dale jordan »

Noel has told me that this new release will be very very good .. Does any one have this yet ??.. Dale ... asp?a=3586

Fredrik Jorgensen
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Post by Fredrik Jorgensen »

Here you go Dale:)
It aint cheap but maaan, worth every penny!!! ... _8_rsrsrs0

And the reference book. ... _2_rsrsrs0

Enjoy the reading


Fredrik Jorgensen
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Post by Fredrik Jorgensen »

And thnx for that Waldemar trojca one you linked.
I ordered that to :)


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Post by Chang »

Dale jordan wrote:Hello Freddie . Can I have a link to these books or a photo of them ...Dale
Dale, all of these books and many more are available in John Miller's Battlefield military & Auto Bookshop, in Parramatta. :D

Bill Lambert
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Post by Bill Lambert »

You can also get the King Tiger book from Karen's Books in the USA.
Here's the link. They have lots of other books too. They ship overseas either by surface or Airmail Post. ... ory.go(-1)

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Sven Strobbe
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Post by Sven Strobbe »

Hey to All,

I have a lot of books about German Tanks, Some the same as are talked about here but mine are in German.
What i'm really looking for is books with more technical details and drawings.
Plans, Blueprints or the real plans with the accurate measerments,they're so hard to find, if they can be found...?
I've heard that in the States you can find the real plans but that's what i've heard...
A dream of mine is to build a tank myself, on a scale of course, a bit like Armortek does.First i would Draw it in 3D as accurate as possible with as much detail as possible.
Then the building can start...

Greetings Sven
It's a beautiful day to go out in my King Tiger

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