Panzer IV

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David Hopkins

Panzer IV

Post by David Hopkins »


Shed full of armor, waiting for the snow to stop and spring to come, some pictures to show you how i'm coming on with the panzer IV project. Also one of the pictures show a drill set, what I just brought, but i'm confused on how it works. If anybody has one or have used one can you give me some hints/tips on how it works. Also I saw Jill's photos at snow bound armortek today, what I would like to know is who lets Mark out to go home at night, he's got too much work to do to be going home in the evenings. Has Jill ever thought about getting Mark a camp bed? So he can spend longer hours on the premises (producing fantastic model tanks). Also have you ever thought about producing 1/6 scale snow ploughs to go on the front of the tanks?


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Post by leesellars »

Hello david

Give me a ring on my useual number and i will tell you how the boreing tool works.

Dont hit me so early in the morning with those negative waves.
Listen carefully i shall say this only once.
If its not broke dont fix it.
Ich Hatt Einen Kameraden

Graham Ord
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Post by Graham Ord »

Its a boreing head designed to fit a lathe or milling machine spindle. The tools fit into the holes in the end of the boreing head and you adjust the diameter by winding in/out the slide that holds them.
It can also be used to flycut accross faces by traversing the machine past it.

Graham Ord
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borig head

Post by Graham Ord »

Heres a picture of one in a vertical mill [/url]

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Robert E Morey
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Post by Robert E Morey »

Fantastic project! A fleet of Panzer IV! You're going to need a bigger garage with all those tanks!

Are you building the PZ IV from plans?

David Hopkins

Panzer IV plans

Post by David Hopkins »

Hi Bob,
Yes the panzer IV what im making are from plans what I brought off of armortek some time ago with measurements and diagrams with everything you need to know to make them.


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