Thank you all for nice comments .
It has been a terrible month over here ,so no work on the Stug
Our little grand kid a boy just over 3 years old , healthy and full off energy all off a sudden got sick
4 days before Christmas. They went on and off for a couple off days ,to test at the local hospital.
But it just went worse for every day, Christmas eve he was hospitalized at Malmö something with the liver
wasn´t as it should.
But it continue to got worse and the day before New Years eve he and my daughter had
to go by ambulance flight to Stockholm. And after a couple off day´s they had to do a transplantion off the liver
mid week /last week.
Me and my wife has been on and off to Stockholm this last weeks ,and we´r totaly destroyed ,so many thoughts/tears
the head was spinning.
So it will be some time before I can do any real work on the Stug again .
All the best regards from Björn