Future Kits - LRDG Option

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John Hein
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Future Kits - LRDG Option

Post by John Hein »

Good morning all. I have a question and would like to see what interest there might be for an LRDG Vehicle (I see that commercial interest is the key to actually getting a vehicle made).

I've been a big fan of the LRDG and it's vehicles - and while Dragon did make a couple variations of the Willys Jeeps set up for desert operations and there are a number of figures available......we are missing the centerpiece of vehicles......The Truck:

Ford (The Ford model 1)
Chevy (Chevrolet 30 CWT)
Even Bofors made a vehicle - so there are variants that could be considered for the build.

There is also a wide variety of weapons to outfit these vehicles (Browning air cooled, Vickers MG, Lewis guns, Breda AA etc) So the detailing is certainly possible - and varies for the taste of the customers. It also feeds business for the secondary market - as Dave would whip up nice cast detailing pieces. Do I sound like I'm doing a sales job here?? LOL.

As an RC piece I know it is rolling stock - so perhaps not quite as popular as armor......but it certainly seems to me that this is a commercially viable vehicle.

What are your thoughts?? Am I just hoping for a future build without hope?? Or do you feel this is something the community could get behind? We have to vote with our pocket books - so I'm interested to hear what you think.

Thanks for your feedback (and I hope rabid interest!!)

John Hein

Robert Reid
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Re: Future Kits - LRDG Option

Post by Robert Reid »

I'd love to see them do the initial Series 1 (or Series IIa LWB) Land Rover.

With the core kit, I could easily do an SAS variant. Either a Series 1 (would need the frame lengthened a bit) or a 109" Series IIa.

LRDG excites me just as much! But an SAS variant of either the Jeep or the Land Rover would likely get just as much interest and also spawn the interest in the 'companion' truck as a later kit. The two would make a great pair!



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