Engine L60 for Chieftain

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Stephen White
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Stephen White »

Well done, Ivano, your work is superb. It will very much enhance the select group of Chieftains with their L60 on show. Thanks for all your efforts. Stephen

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John Clarke
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by John Clarke »

I have agree with Stephen, a wonderful example of the top end of the Leyland L60.

I was at the start very enthusiastic about the project. but as time went by, I found myself continually bogged down with trying to keep to a certain level of detail, always trying to find the right balance of what looks good visually and what will practically work.

From my own point of view I don't want to keep discarding the original model parts for other reconstructions that have to be made from scratch. So I find myself ending up with subtle changes which I hope will endear the Armortek model itself.

My wish to all those that have ordered this very accurate and beautifully made L60 model the best, and look forward to seeing the extreme levels of accuracy with their show order Chieftains. 8)
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Ivano Costantini
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Dear friends,
9 people booked the engine, but currently only 2
sent the advance. I have no problems, the price I communicated remains the same even for only two engines. I understand that many of you have work commitments and maybe only tomorrow will be able to devote yourself to the hobby and send the advance. Please, I kindly ask you to communicate if you are no longer interested. This is to avoid misunderstandings, misunderstandings and delays to the detriment of those who paid the deposit. On Monday I will send the files to the printing laboratory, it would be a problem to have to change the order. I hope you understand the usefulness of being informed, there are no problems.
I thank you all again and wish you a good Sunday. Ivano

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