Armorteks next model

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Survey Results

Post by Armortek »

Survey Results:

We have been asked a few times for the results from the survey that we ran a month ago.
Our policy is not to give too much away, not because we want to keep our customers in the dark, but more because we don't want other companies to get an insight into what we are up to. In that regard, Armortek is similar to most commercial enterprises.

Having said that, many of you took the time and effort to provide us with some very useful information, so it is only right that we share some details.

- We received almost 800 responses.
- More that 80% of those responses provided their names and answered all the questions (as we weighted the results, the ones that answered all the questions got a higher weighting).
- People from 34 countries provided their feedback. Almost two thirds of them were from countries where the main language is English
- The vast preference of respondents is for kits from the WW2 era - not really a surprise given Armortek's historical mix of kits.
- The worst performing vehicle was the Scammell. That one is a surprise.
- The best performing vehicle ... well can't tell you that just yet, but we will be making it shortly and it will be a smaller and (very important for our backs) will be a lighter model.
- Possibly the least helpful comment that some one added "I am on holiday and the weather sucks" !

Finally, thanks again for your input on the survey. The results have shaped our product roadmap for the next 12 months .. after all, we should be making kits that you guys want!

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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Steen Vøler »

This is exciting :D

Hopefully my wish come true 8)

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John Clarke
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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by John Clarke »

Well there's a result, I think. :| :?
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Robert Reid
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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Robert Reid »

So most of us have been programmed at this point to recognize that the first week or 10 days if January... is when the speculation begins about what Armortek's next model will be!!!

We have heard 'lighter and smaller' in the "survey results" post... but given the last few kits (Famo, Jagdtiger, Elefant, Grant and Chieftain), that is a lot of ground to cover! Technically, an M1 Abrams is smaller and lighter than most of the above!

Small and light could be a very-customizable Land Rover 109... or an FT17. Or an APC? A White or Ferret or Dingo Scout Car? The mind boggles...

But compared to the last few heavyweights, smaller and lighter could be anything from an M113 to a Chaffee!

Now I am really wishing I had saved the list that was in the survey. Because I suspect that the list would narrow it down considerably! At least we know it's not a Scammell!

So... the speculation can begin. As always, the guessing is as much fun as the unveiling. And I hope that the crew in Otterbourne is well-along in coming up with another kit that will blow our minds!



Jack Hrovatin
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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Jack Hrovatin »

Yes, they are well on their way producing a kit that fits their desire. It’s fun doing a survey....but to the degree it’s feedback is well received and drives the next kit.....Unfortunately, I have my doubts.

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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by mark lawson »

You can count on Armortek producing a Tank/AFV which you hadn't thought about but still has the WOW factor as for which era well this would be anyone's guess, I'm intrigued.
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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Mike Conley »

I'd planned to order a King Tiger and figured that since this was the 3rd (or was it 4th!) issue of it, it would be available on the Armortek site for a while. I still didn't have the full funds saved when it was announced there were only a couple left... then they were sold out. SHUCKS! I would've liked to had one.

About that time the Jagdtiger came out! I would REALLY like to have THAT!... BUT...

Then the survey was conducted. I listed the ones I'd most like to build: The M113 APC, Easy 8 Sherman, and M3 Stuart. The M113 and M3 Stuart would be 'lighter' kits and something 'new' to keep the Armortek line evolving as well as probably more affordable to entry level customers.

So, I'm waiting to hear if it's any of the ones I'd REALLY, REALLY like to have! Or even get a HINT if the next one is going to be wheeled, tracked, German, British, U.S., Italian, Japanese, Russian, Sweden, Ugandan, Iceland, Canada, or what. It's like the Carly Simon song: 'Anticipation is making me WAIT..... keeping me WAI,WAI,WAI,WAAITING."

Then I'll figure out if I want one I'd definately like to get or try to get one of the last JTs (if they last that long.)

Mike (the one in Kentucky)
Last edited by Mike Conley on Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
Armorteks: King Tiger, Tiger 1, Panther G, Panzer IV, M4A3 Shermans x2, M3 Lee, Pershing, Sd Kfz 7, Pak 43.

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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by John Clarke »

Wishing Armorek a wonderful and prosperous new year.
Opening the door to the cold war era with Chieftain should be a precursor to exciting model's hopefully in the future.
Drawing in new modellers is essential, if actual future British manufactures want a fertile market, the money has to be on the US market as well local European markets.
Not all vehicles look good in one sixth configuration.
But done well, the M113 has to be a front runner, light weight, expandable, ticks all the boxes.
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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Stephen White »

Jack Hrovatin wrote:
Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:20 pm
Yes, they are well on their way producing a kit that fits their desire. It’s fun doing a survey....but to the degree it’s feedback is well received and drives the next kit.....Unfortunately, I have my doubts.
And yet the FAMO and Chieftain were clearly produced in response to popular and substantiated demand, ditto all those models which have had more than one production run. The notable exceptions were the T-34 and the Universal Panthers, which didn't take off in the way anticipated. Armortek has to judge the market and sometimes a cherished preference just isn't going to sell or is too demanding to produce at a viable cost. I'd dearly love an M42 Duster but I very much doubt it has the popular support to see it into production and with all that external detail, it would be expensive to produce. We could shout loudly and often in its support but unless enough people stand up in agreement, it's not going to happen.

On the other hand, a CVR(T) ticks all the boxes - lots of variants, widespread international service, combat record, small but agile and fast, fills a gap in the Post War portfolio and it has something that goes bang (unless you do a Salamander, in which case the 76mm drainpipe would remain silent). Lots of reference vehicles around to measure. My case rests......

Jack Hrovatin
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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Jack Hrovatin »

Well, I guess I’m still disappointed in my desire to see an M4A1 Sherman tank. I don’t think that it would be a model that couldn’t garner enough interest to sell (Although I was told it didn’t rate in the Survey....but wasn’t listed as a choice?)....rather, that it’s considered too difficult to be done accurately at a reasonable cost. So, please forgive my petulant behavior over still wanting a very historically prominent tank of WWII.

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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Jack Hrovatin »

How about going a slightly unique different route, but staying in the “Armor” theme. Any thoughts or interests in doing highly detailed turrets....with accurate interiors....that could be used in static display on a fabricated wood or metal display stand as was used in the factories? This might include a cutaway panel to assist in viewing the gun, ammunition, TC, or Gunners station?

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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Stephen White »

Jack, I was at the Tank Museum yesterday and couldn't pass "Michael" without thinking of your wagon:


I gather she's the oldest surviving Sherman.

All the best.


Jack Hrovatin
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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Jack Hrovatin »

Oh, “Be still my beating heart”! I won’t bother to belabor my thoughts on this so historically relevant tank. Instead....just look at those beautiful lines! Yes, you are in possession of the oldest (Second I believe produced of that series) known M4A1 produced....named after Michael Dewer (I believe) who came to the U.S. in the very early stages of that tanks acquisition to the U.K.. I’m still enjoying my morning please forgive me if I’m in error of I know this Forum is filled with Scholars in this arena of study!
Anyway...I still plead with you in the build of this tank! Thank you for starting my day with those images...Your very kind!


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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Jack Hrovatin »

What in Heavens Name caused the Catastrophic Rupture of the M3 Barrel in that display case sitting besides Michael?


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Re: Armorteks next model

Post by Jack Hrovatin »

Upon further appears too small to be an M3 Barrel. Hey....why don’t I just “Shut Up”....and Wake Up.....and just view the tank pics :P !

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