Engine L60 for Chieftain

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Phil Woollard
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Phil Woollard »

Ivano you always do a fantastic job! We work with what we have and Armortek supply us with the only metal kit worth buying, it's not 100% accurate but it's dam close. I suggest that we just go with it, and a few discrepancy's like hatch dimensions won't really make much difference overall. 8)
Compromise :wink:
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Stephen White
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Stephen White »

Ivano, your engines are superb and would greatly enhance any Armortek Chieftain. The issue you identify concerns whether you could install an engine in which the radiators could be lifted. I've compared the real and model dimensions and a scale radiator would be OK for width. The issue which you've identified is about radiator length. For very understandable reasons, the model does not fully represent the two front, triangular power pack covers.

I suspect this has to do with supporting the weight of the turret. As Phil points out, the model design is always a compromise. The Armortek Chieftain overall is a very faithful replica in the key areas, particularly in the wonderful castings, which are very accurate. The engine deck area is largely concealed under the turret bustle and there, the functional strength of the model has taken precedence.

You could design a model engine which is much smaller than scale, which would allow the radiators to be raised. I'm not sure how popular that would be. You could design a model to the correct scale and accept that the radiators could not be lifted. Given the challenge of fitting the engine into the restricted space available in the hull, it won't be possible to fit a complete representation of the power pack, GUE and TN-12 gear box anyway.

I haven't yet considered my own approach to this area but on past form, I'll probably go for a complete re-working of the engine deck area to capture the full array of covers and in the process I"ll probably have to provide an additional transverse support for the rear of the turret race. I think I'd be in a minority in doing that. So for your engine, it might be better to consider modelling all those things which would be visible when the power pack and transmission covers are lifted and not worry about the things which are out of sight. That is unless someone wanted a complete power pack to sit on a stand beside the model, which has a certain authenticity about it..........

Ivano Costantini
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Hi Phil,
Ok, I thought you said
"we modify the doors"
but for me it's the same. Unfortunately the engine will not be in 1/6 scale, the radiators will be almost square and not rectangular like the real one and the various parts will not be proportioned to each other.
However, I tell you in a friendly way, that I don't share your thoughts.
I absolutely don't want to make controversy, I don't care, but a model with a cost, very high for me, cannot have such "trivial" errors. But it's just my thought, very questionable. Ivano

Phil Woollard
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Phil Woollard »

A quick update guys, things are looking good with the L60 engine, ivano is going to do his best to give us a half engine that sits above the electric motors, I can tell you that his 3d drawings look great . 8) Thank you Ivano so much! 8)
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Ivano Costantini
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Ivano Costantini »

First drawings, without details, to check the dimensions and volumes. Critics and suggestions are welcome.
Vano motore 1.jpg
Vano motore 2.jpg
Vano motore 3.jpg
Radiatori 1-1.jpg
Radiatori 2.jpg
Radiatori 4.jpg
Radiatori 5.jpg
Radiatori 6.jpg

Phil Woollard
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Phil Woollard »

Excellent compromise Ivano, love it 8)
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Ivano Costantini
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Work in progress:
unfortunately the "big water" of Venice has blocked the project, now very slowly we try to return to normal, we are very late and it will still take a long time to return to 100% operational.
Here are other new designs.
Phil, please, you should confirm the dimensions of the engines communicated to me by Armortek (see first drawing).
Thanks Ivano
Immagine (22).jpg
Radiatore 1.jpg
Radiatore 2.jpg
Radiatore 3.jpg
Radiatore 4.jpg
Radiatore Complssivo 3.jpg
Ventola fissa 1.jpg

Robert Reid
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Robert Reid »

I don't have a Chieftain... nor am I likely to ever have one.

But I am enjoying the living heck out of this thread! So much good brainstorming, teamwork, input... and cool design here!

I think that if someone challenged this community to build a Mars Rocket... we'd have one taking off in a few weeks! So much creativity and craftsmanship here.

Cheers and keep up the good work!


Phil Woollard
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Phil Woollard »

Leave it with me Ivano, I can now measure the rear deck with confidence. The hatch openings will remain the same , I will double check the motor dimensions and report back to you 8)
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Stephen White
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Stephen White »

Ivano, are you going to make the radiators to the correct scale or will you shorten them to fit the Armortek deck layout? If it’s the latter, will you also offer correct scale radiators for those who wish to alter the kit? Thanks. Excellent work so far.

Ivano Costantini
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Hi Stephen,
the idea is to make the radiators in the exact scale, with the possibility of cutting them to the desired length. In doing so, if I can, we will please everyone. What do you think about it?
Thanks Ivano

Stephen White
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Stephen White »

Ivano, thank you. I think that’s the perfect solution,great idea. As you say, that should suit everyone. Good luck with the rest of the development. Best regards. Stephen

Ivano Costantini
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Hi Phil,
I had forgotten the measures communicated to me by Armortek.
Thanks Ivano
Immagine (22).jpg

Ivano Costantini
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Hi Stephen,
i ask you a favor, can you tell me based on your information how big the hole that houses the doors will be with the modification you intend to do?
It is currently 155 mm. Thanks Ivano
Vano motore 6.jpg

Stephen White
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Re: Engine L60 for Chieftain

Post by Stephen White »


Scaling from the original drawings, I believe the corrected dimensions should be:

Engine Covers dims.jpg
Engine Covers dims.jpg (61.58 KiB) Viewed 2239 times
1st figure is the Armortek dimension, 2nd figure is the scaled dimension at one sixth.

Your 155mm figure should therefore be 186mm.

Note that the real engine covers have one extra section at the turret end, ie a fourth triangular shaped cover.

Best regards


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