WIP. Tiger 1 Stowage Bins. It has taken a long time, but I am getting there. Here is a picture of the next ten bins that should be finished in the next two to three days. Over 2000 miniature rivets, holes drill and rivets hammered or soldered in place, now this is time consuming over 50 hours to date (actual work time). With my current work load I hope to finish all bins by the end on November. Those that will be getting one of these 10 will receive a e-mail notice on the day of mailing.
These bins still need the bin latches, bin lids, hinges, top mounting brackets and backs fitted.
Please note that the stowage bin will only be sold as a kit from now on. When the currect orders are filled I will have assembled 36 of them. I do not want to build any more.