As the minimum order I have to place for these projectiles and cases is 500 of each it is unlikely that I will make another run of these as I doubt the market will bear another 500.
I would like to make other rounds for the King Tiger, Panther, PZ 111 and IV, but it is expensive and very time consuming doing the drawings for the manufacture. So unless I can get some idea of what rounds you would like and some sort of commitment to buy other rounds are unlikely.
Here is a picture of the three color cases for the HE and AP rounds. I have checked my stock and I have 25 of the steel cases left. These will only be sold with the special offer below.
Special offer on HE rounds until October 31, 2008.
88-36HE-BCS10 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round mixed color cases X 10 (Can include 2 steel cases) $190.00
88-36HE-BCS 5 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round mixed color cases X 5 (Can include 1 steel case) $100.00
You may order any combination of Brass and Copper cases or all one color. Steel cases limited to quantities listed above while stock last.
Regular retail prices on the in stock items
88-36AP-C1 88 mm Kw.K 36 AP Round with Copper Case (Resin Cast Projectile) $9.95
88-36AP-C10 88 mm Kw.K 36 AP Round with Copper Case X 10 (Resin Cast Projectile) $95.00
88-36C-C1 88 mm Kw.K 36 Empty Copper Case $7.45
88-36C-C10 88 mm Kw.K 36 Empty Copper Case X 10 $70.00
88-36HE-B1 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round with Brass Case $22.95
88-36HE-B10 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round with Brass Case X 10 $200.00
88-36HE-C1 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round with Cooper Case $22.95
88-36HE-C10 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round with Cooper Case X 10 $200.00
The following items are removed from stock and no longer available.
88-36AP-B1 88 mm Kw.K 36 AP Round with Brass Case Removed from Stock $9.95
88-36AP-B10 88 mm Kw.K 36 AP Round with Brass Case X 10 Removed from Stock $95.00
88-36AP-S1 88 mm Kw.K 36 AP Round with Steel Case Removed from Stock $9.95
88-36AP-S10 88 mm Kw.K 36 AP Round with Steel Case X 10 Removed from Stock $95.00
88-36C-B1 88 mm Kw.K 36 Empty Brass Case Removed from Stock $7.45
88-36C-B10 88 mm Kw.K 36 Empty Brass Case X 10 Removed from Stock $70.00
88-36C-S1 88 mm Kw.K 36 Empty Steel Case Removed from Stock $7.45
88-36C-S10 88 mm Kw.K 36 Empty Steel Case X 10 Removed from Stock $70.00
88-36HE-S1 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round with Steel Case Removed from Stock $22.95
88-36HE-S10 88 mm Kw.K 36 HE Round with Steel Case X 10 Removed from Stock $200.00
Decals available for the HE and AP rounds and spent casings.
88-DECAP 6 Tiger 1 88 mm AP Round Decal set of 6 $9.95
88-DECAP1 Tiger 1 88 mm AP Round Decal $2.00
88-DECHE 6 Tiger 1 88 mm HE Round Decal set of 6 $9.95
88-DECHE1 Tiger 1 88 mm HE Round Decal $2.00
88-DECAP-C6 Tiger 1 88 mm AP Case Decal set of 6 $7.50
88-DECAP-C1 Tiger 1 88 mm AP Case Decal $1.50
88-DECHE C6 Tiger 1 88 mm HE Case Decal set of 6 $7.50
88-DECHE-C1 Tiger 1 88 mm HE Case Decal $1.50
For more information and pictures on the above products check the following links.
88 mm HE Round: http://www.armortek.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=776
88 mm HE and AP Decals: http://www.armortek.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=199
This link also shows pictures of the AP round.
E-mail orders only.