I think the Sd Kfz 250 series would be a great choice for the Armortek series. There would be many variations that could be made using the same basic model. I am not a RC person, but have seen the plastic models available converted to RC with the drive gear installed under the hood. This may not be possible with a all metal 250 as it may require a bigger motor and bigger batteries due to the weight. I have produced a large range of tools and accessories for the 250 series and have done a lot of research on them, these are the results.
The 250,252 and 253 were all on the drawing board at about the same time. The first of the series off the production line was the 253, it was designed at first to be used as a command, control and spotter for tank units. However it was found that it could not keep up with tank units across rough ground and was dropped as a tank unit vehicle. It was mainly used as a spotter for artillery units and command vehicles for Stug III units, surplus 253's were converted to 250's by cutting out the top armor, these 250's are known as having bodies type 1 and have a longer chassis. The actual 250 design has a few differences to the convert 253 bodies and known as body type 2, shorter chassis.
Most of the 250 series had open crew compartments so RC may be a problem, but if this can be overcome it would be a great basic multi propose vehicle.
I would advise the body type 2 design be used as this was the main body for the 250 Alt series. The body type 1 was only used for the 253 and the converted 253 to 250. With a basic Sd Kfz 250 Alt vehicle the following types could be built by hobbyists with many interior and exterior parts already available on the market.
1. Sd Kfz 250/1 Alt Light Riflemen's Armored Vehicle ( Three interior loading plans)
a. Basic rifleman vehicle.
b. Two light MG crews.
c. Two heavy MG crews.
2. Sd Kfz 250/2 Alt Light Communications Armored Vehicle.
3. Sd Kfz 250/3 Alt Light Radio Armored Vehicle. (With or without Frame Antenna)
4. Sd Kfz 250/5 Alt Light Observation Armored Vehicle. (With Sternantenna D)
5. Sd Kfz 250/6 Alt Light Ammunition Carrier Armored Vehicle. (Two loading plans)
a. 7.5 cm STU Kanone Assault Gun Type A short.
b. 7.5 cm STU Kanone 40 Assault Gun Type B long.
6. Sd Kfz 250/7 Alt Light Mortar Troop Armored Vehicle. (Heavy Mortar S.GR.W 34)
7. Sd Kfz 250/9 Alt Light Riflemen's Armored Vehicle. (2 cm Gun Mounted in Turret) Only 250 with enclosed crew compartment.
Note: Same turret as used on Sd Kfz 222. Already made by Armortek.
8. Sd Kfz 250/10 Alt 3.7 cm Pak Team Armored Vehicle.
Note: 3.7 cm Gun conversion already made by Armorpak.
9. Sd Kfz 250/11 Alt Heavy Anti- Tank Gun 41 Armored Vehicle.
Note: Gun already available on market.
10. Sd Kfz 250/12 Alt Light Survey Troop Armored Vehicle.
Once the basic 250 is made other conversion could be made such as the Sd Kfz 252. Parts made for the 250 could also be used to make other vehicles such as the Sd Kfz 251, Demag Sd Kfz 10 and the Sd Kfz 250 Nue, all of which have several versions. The main compatible parts on these vehicles is the running gear.
Sd Kfz 250 tracks compatible with Sd Kfz 251, Demag Sd Kfz 10 and the Sd Kfz 250 Nue. There maybe others.
Sd Kfz 250 front wheels compatible with Demag Sd Kfz 10 and the Sd Kfz 250 Nue. Sd Kfz 251 front wheels are larger. The wheels were also used on many trailers and one gun which is why I made the aluminum wheels I offer. Now out of stock in aluminum, possibly a new run will be done next year. Still available in resin castings.
11. Sd Kfz 252 Ammunition Carrier Armored Vehicle (Stug 111 Unit Supply Vehicle)
I have found no reference for the 252 being used in any other roles other than a ammunition carrier. Sorry Jim, but I think your list of 252 uses is wrong. The crew compartment is to small for a command vehicle, artillery guns were mainly towed by non-armored vehicles as they were generally away from the front line and 253's were used as artillery spotters. As for recon vehicles I think the 222 was a more used vehicle. The 252 appears to be the same design as the 250 alt type 1 body with rear end sloped. I understand this was to reduce the weight of the vehicle to compensate for the extra weight of ammunition and towing a ammunition trailer. I could be wrong about this. All references I have found for the 252 is that it was the ammunition supply vehicle for Stug III units and does not appear to have been used with any other units.
With the versatility of the 250 and compatible parts for future vehicle production it would be a good product to make. It would also be a very welcome vehicle for my company as I currently have over thirty products of tools and accessories for the 250 series.
Drawbacks I see in producing these vehicles.
1. Armored Hobbies already made a Sd Kfz 250 plastic kit. This may reduce the number of potential sales. Fairly accurate, but does have combined detail of the 250 body type 1 and type 2.
2. Producing a accurate Sd Kfz 253 would limit it to being used only as a 253 or a converted 250 for the rivet counters.
3. Producing a 252 may mean a Stug III would be needed for it to accompany. There are a few Stug III's out there.
4. Producing a 251 Ausf A, B, C or D. The Ausf A, B, C series had 7 basic designs plus the Luftwaffe 2 cm gun conversion that would require the crew compartment to be redesigned. Ausf A-B had different mudguard design to Ausf C, depending on which was made may limited the potential conversions. Ausf D was basically the same design but had only four basic conversions.
There are 251's and Demags available on the market in various quality and this may effect sales of a new release.
Advantages I see for these half tracks.
1. Smaller vehicles and may attract new people to the all metal vehicle hobby as less space is required to store them and weight is not so much of an issue.
2. Much lower price than tanks which may also attract new customers from the static display hobby.
3. Many options for hobbyists to build variations of the models.
Main reference books used which are excellent.
Total Detail Sd Kfz 252, 253 and Early 250 Archive Part 1
Total Detail Sd Kfz 250 Alt - Neu Archive Part 2
Schutzenpanzer "Ryton Publications"
My 2 cents worth.
Here are a few pictures of prototypes of the 252 and 253 conversions I was planning on making for the Armored Hobbies plastic 250.