On those days when nothing fits... and it all seems so complicated...

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Robert Reid
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On those days when nothing fits... and it all seems so complicated...

Post by Robert Reid »

So whenever I get frustrated because some parts don't seem to fit or I can't figure out instructions or something seems difficult to do...

I go and look at what guys like this are doing in their spare time and I think... "Meh... if they can do this... my little problem is solvable."


Armortek builders are some of the best modelers I've seen. But these kinds of guys... who 'nother planet!



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Re: On those days when nothing fits... and it all seems so complicated...

Post by simon_manning »

thats part of the interest is getting it to work, too easy and your get bored, interesting post, regards simon manning.

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Adrian Harris
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Re: On those days when nothing fits... and it all seems so complicated...

Post by Adrian Harris »

Amazing work - with some pretty tricked out tools by the look of it.

My concern would be that fuel explosivity and heat expansion don't scale well, so I would be in the next room, or building, when it was fired up for the first time...

Having said that, I still harbour a dream of putting a Moki rotary engine in the back of a Sherman :lol: :lol:

Contact me at sales@armortekaddict.uk for details of my smoker fan control module

Robert Reid
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Re: On those days when nothing fits... and it all seems so complicated...

Post by Robert Reid »

Hi Adrian:

Folks have made quite a few running miniature engines and, yes, the fuel is something that has to be sorted out! But I've never heard of any exploding or causing issues. I think these guys put so much into their engines, that they are very, very conservative in running them. That said, I think things do get very challenging below 1/4 scale.

Here is one of my favorite ambitious projects... I'll never do it. My machining skills aren't up to it.


BTW, I think you'd want to put a radial in a Sherman. A rotary would get a bit... interesting... trying to run a tank!



Like I said... there are the some real genius folks out there... I only hope that some in the current generations are catching the bug. So much more fulfilling than X-Box!



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Robert E Morey
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Re: On those days when nothing fits... and it all seems so complicated...

Post by Robert E Morey »

Those are excellent links! The Merlin is just fantastic. I almost pushed "buy" the castings, but fortunately they are sold out! I need another project like I need more missing marbles...

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