Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

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Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Armortek »

We're on for Tiger Day on 16th September at the Tank Museum, Bovington, UK. Kian and I met the Museum Staff today and agreed a viable display and running area. The event will be the last time Tiger 131 runs this year. Details of the Event are on the Tank Museum Web Site here:

At this stage, I just need to know by PM or email:

- that you would like to attend

- which model(s) you will bring

- your car registration number

We expect to get joining instructions in the middle of next week. Some arrangements, such as parking, will be different, so please take note when we post the details. Passes will be available for collection at Registration on the day. It looks like arrivals will be between 07-0800.

In view of the Armortek Open Day on Sunday, 8th Oct, we will probably not organise attendance at TankMod on the 7th, although there may be a small Armortek presence and some tickets may be available. Tiger Day will therefore be our last public show of the year. Do come if you can.


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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by dennypatterson »

:shock: :shock: Yes I will be there. two Tiger ones, K.T. Panther, jagpanther car reg WV12EDP Denny, P.S. let us know at tiger day re. tankmod, I would like to go.

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Armortek »

Bump. Thanks for the replies I've received so far. Stephen

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Armortek »

Thanks to those who've replied. I've just received the joining instructions, which I'll summarise and publish in the middle of next week. For early planning, you might like to know that registration will be available on Fri 15th up to 1500 and note also the early time of registration on Sat 16th, between 0630-0730. Since I'm not an early riser, I've asked for an extension for us. Any more takers would be very welcome but I'd need to know by latest Wed 13th. Thanks. Stephen

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by dennypatterson »

:cry: :cry: Stephen, its a wonder we won the war, glad you ,nt around then.....

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Dave Dibb (Armorpax) »

Hi Stephen,

Sorry but unavailable for this one as have previous commitments

Best regards


There used to be a nice banner here till Photobucket lost everything.............................

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Armortek »

Tickets for Tiger Day are still available if you can let me know by midday tomorrow. I've got five names so far, with ten models, so there will be some room available in our new pitch. There will also be a reasonably sized running area. We've had to lobby quite hard to keep a place in the Tank Story Hall, when most other groups and traders have been moved elsewhere to make room for VIP activities, so if anyone else would like to come, we'd be pleased to hear. I'll post joining instructions for the day later. Regards. Stephen

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Paul Wills »

I am gutted that I cannot make it this year, I've not had chance for any of the event this year. Oh well, I will have to make more effort to get time off next year. have a good weekend and post plenty of photos.

Paul. :wink:
9 kp pz gren div grossdeutschland Tiger A23, Sd.Kfz. 7 half-track Artl Reg 146 (mot), 16.Infanterie-Division (mot). Flak 36 88mm, Erg-Zug Flak-Stammbatterie Augsburg. King Tiger & Pak41

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Tiger Day VIII - Joining Instructions

Post by Armortek »

Tiger Day VIII takes place on Saturday 16th September at the Tank Museum Bovington. The event is ticket only and is now sold out. If there are any last minute requests to attend, please let me know as soon as possible.


Your car pass and wristband will be available for collection on arrival at the Registration point below:

Please note the timings for arrival and departure. There will be no vehicle access to the site during public opening hours (0900-1800).

- Fri 15th Registration open 10-1500.

- Sat 16th Arrivals 0630-0730 only. Registration available. Departures: 1800 onwards, including vehicle access to site.

Please note the early start on Saturday. In the past, it might have been possible to get away with a later arrival but for this and future events, in response to customer comment, the Museum may choose to open as early as 0800 if there is sufficient pressure of long queues. Please stick to the arrival times above.

Armortek Display Area

We will have our own static and running area, at the Western End of the Tank Story Hall, in the area of the Challenger 1 and Centurion. The area will be marked and barriered off.

Arrival and Parking

After registration, please unload and park up the models.

Once unloaded, please take your vehicle to the parking for Exhibitors (note that this is a change of area and is on the tank park used for Tank Fest):
Model Matters

Please note that smokers may not be used inside the Museum.

Operating Models in Public

Before setting out, would you please take a moment to read the Knowledge Base topic on Operating Models in Public. It covers some useful guidelines to make sure we have a safe and enjoyable event. ... =34&t=6268

This is the last run for Tiger 131 this year and the event promises to be another sell-out success. Looking forward to catching up with everyone on Saturday.

Best regards


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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Stephen White »

Good day out at the Tank Museum and just the right number of models for the space available. A full house and lots of interest.

Of course, on Tiger Day, you get "Tiger Fever".......
Nothing changes... that's him, photographing him, watching him fixing his tank. Plus ça change
The line up:
Meet my little brother.....
Two bruisers........
Many thanks to Kian, Monique and the girls and to Denny, for the full English breakfast, much needed after a 0530 start.

Roll on the Open Day.



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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by simon_manning »

tiger 131 running never fails to attract a capacity crowd at the tank museum, but the look of surprise when the visitors encounter the armortek models, the questions asked, and from people from all over the world, a japanese tourist could hardly contain his excitement at seeing the models running, its still a great day out and never ceases to amaze me the amount of interest these models generate, definitely a crowd pleaser, thanks for organising the visit, regards simon manning.

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Steve Stuart »

It wasn't the Tiger Burning Bright, it was another whose fearful symmetry was framed!

Well, one just has to take a picture or two on the day.

Tank Driving, or James demonstrating his moves?

Tea and Cake, that is the question. The Lardy cake has just about survived Sunday afternoon tea today.
Many thanks to all who helped make the day.

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Re: Armortek Event - Tiger Day VIII, Tank Museum UK

Post by Armortek »

Thanks to Denny P, James T, Simon M, Steve S, David B and Stephen W (thanks also for organising the day Stephen) for joining us at at Tiger day and making it a great day out !

We have also posted some pics on facebook

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