New engine for Tiger1

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Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

The engines began to arrive at their destination. I hope you are happy with what you have bought. And a handmade product so there is no perfection but nothing that can not be solved with a little 'stunned or sandpaper.
The motor can be further detailed and improved. I stopped at this point to keep costs down. For a model-assembly is simple, the important thing is not to hurry and to be patient. Before starting the construction look at all the photos you can find on the Internet or on specialized books. It will help you understand how to be mounted. The instructions are there and I hope they are clear. Before gluing always check 10,100,1000 times. Always watch what you pasted does not impede the positioning of other pieces. For the skeleton in MDS, I recommend using plenty of wood glue. Before gluing recommend you do the holes for the 10 white metal latches of the exhaust pipe, it will be easier. The drain hose is bent dul side SX. Remember that the resin is deformed at 50 degrees centigrade so careful to use tools which produce too much heat.
The black parts are not clones but 3D printing, the material is different .The exhaust covers are very thin so fragile, beware. If you need help please contact me and ... HAVE FUN.
I hope you understand, I always use the google translator. Ivano

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Unfortunately I have had confirmation that the order of screws and lost. With the celebration of January 6, the new order will arrive next week, so I hope to finish shipments within IL15 January. Sorry again but it's not my fault.
I will finish this week to ship engines sold without screws. Thank you

Jack Hrovatin
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Jack Hrovatin »

Do you still have one reserved for me? I am having trouble getting in touch with you. My email is

Jack Hrovatin

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Hello Jack,
I sent you email but maybe they have not arrived. For you had reserved the No. 1.6 - 47837, still available. If interested give me now confirms why are finishing., Only three engines have remained. Thank you, Ivano

Martin Paul
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Martin Paul »

Hi Ivano,

Your latest Tiger Engine kit has arrived safely in the USA. I just wanted to complement you on the quality of your work and I look forward to building this Engine. It will be a great addition to my Tiger 131 kit.

Keep up the great work.

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Dear friends modelers, the engines have all been shipped and most have already arrived "safe and sound."
I thought it might be useful to repeat the assembly of parts that maybe in the attached instructions may not be very clear.
We begin by the wooden skeleton.
It should be mounted as a jigsaw puzzle, the hips and heads are mirror images, then you can not go wrong.
The only attention is that the holes should be placed where the exhaust pipes are facing upwards.
For additional security, before pasting, fix it to the test with adhesive tape.
If you want to mount the white metal fasteners you can make holes before gluing the parts will be easier to take measurements.
The center detent of the right side is a little lowered. Right side, the exhaust pipe straight.
Left side pipe exhaust wrong. Left and right side looking at the motor rear (where the chain). If you want to intervene, I think it will be interesting for everyone to follow the installation of the engine in all its parts.
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Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Use wood glue type Pattex or VINAVIL.
In the inner part abound with glue to close and cracks.
When the glue has dried, stuccoed on the outside of the slots and finished with sandpaper. Leveled height differences that are present, in particular where they should be placed the motor heads.
In the wooden parts there are the inserts to facilitate the positioning and bonding of the skeleton.
The circles NOT BE BONDED, only serve to center and facilitate the placement of the other parts. You will understand yourself when the time comes. The engine fund may be closed or left open, you decide, I would still recommend it to decide at the end of the assembly.

Eric Ho
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Eric Ho »

Ivano, please post more pictures. They are a great guide to the assembly!

I got my engine last week, but it has been sitting in the box as I was still too jet lagged to open up and sort.

I only got to open it up this week:
Parts are well packed!
Looking forward to putting it all together

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Hello Eric,
for your request for more photos,
next week will begin the assembly of the second prototype.
You could do it together with all the model makers who have bought the engine.
I would love to see the pictures of the assembly of other modelers.
It might be useful to all.
As I said, you can further improve the detail reproduction.
You could also change something, there have been many variations in the true engine.
It is important to look at the pictures of the real engine and copy. The Internet is full of documentation. You have to have patience in the search.

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Here assembled take the skeleton MDF.
All very simple and precise, like a puzzle.

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

The engine that I'm putting together will be mounted on my Tiger Mid.
I will make changes to the assembly but only for my personal taste.
Photographs available on the internet you can see a lot of variations.
Look at the available material, will help you make a beautiful engine.
Here are more photos of the installation of the first pieces on the skeleton

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Glued to the skeletonthe rear piece.
I preferred to lower the piece of 2 mm,
however nothing changes

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

Front, do not glue the disc, as a reference to position the piece.
not glue the disc
not glue the disc
level this part with sandpaper and a little 'putty
level this part with sandpaper and a little 'putty

Ivano Costantini
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Ivano Costantini »

I ask for information:
fuel tanks lower, as were positioned?
With the tips toward the front (as shown Mr.Grima F.O.A.)
I saw the pictures and I think one forward (right side) and back (left side)
You have information?

Thank you Ivano
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serbatoio DX.JPG

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Paul Wills
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Re: New engine for Tiger1

Post by Paul Wills »

Hi Ivano,

What about the rest of the engine build, I'am waiting to see the next installment 8) :D

9 kp pz gren div grossdeutschland Tiger A23, Sd.Kfz. 7 half-track Artl Reg 146 (mot), 16.Infanterie-Division (mot). Flak 36 88mm, Erg-Zug Flak-Stammbatterie Augsburg. King Tiger & Pak41

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