Transmitter/receiver problems ??

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Transmitter/receiver problems ??

Post by duncanallender »

I was at a local military model fair on Sunday and took along my Sherman.
When I parked it up near our stand I noticed it was edging forward ever so slightly, when my Futuba 7C was at 'stop position'.I thought it must need trimming, so endeavored to do this. Could I get the tank to be still, NO. It was either charging forward or backwards (at some speed). and felt it was out of control and potentially dangerous to lots of legs nearby.Do you think it could be a receiver problem, as I have not used this tank for 6 months or so, do they deteriorate ???I am going to swap the receiver with another tank to see the result. Any ideas or anyone had a similar problem. Had to remove the tracks and manhandle it back to my car.

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Re: Transmitter/receiver problems ??

Post by Gerhard Michel »

Hello back,

maybe the 'dead way' (hysteresis) of the throttle center is too small? This could also be a problem of the ESC. To localize the problem you could change either the receiver OR the ESC for testing. Please also check all voltages (transmitter, receiver, drive batteries)

It is not usual for electronic components to change the behaviour within 6 months, except of environmental influences (e.g. humidity).
kind regards
1/6 Scale models: Jagdpanther (AT), Jagdtiger (BT), Königstiger (Porsche turret, NH), Königstiger (Production turret, BT), Pz. IV (SH)

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Re: Transmitter/receiver problems ??

Post by Adrian Harris »

What control system is it using ? Are you using the 2.4GHz version of the Futaba 7C ?

I would elevate it, or leave the tracks off and see if it does it at home. Then try removing the feeds between the receiver and the speed controller, to see if the receiver is telling it to move or whether it's something to do with the motion pack.

If it has been very cold then moved into a warm environment, you can get water condensing on the circuit boards, causing partial or complete short circuits, which can have a fairly random effect.

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Peter Silcock
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Re: Transmitter/receiver problems ??

Post by Peter Silcock »

Duncan I would suspect a problem with the power supply to the receiver. Cant remember whether we put in a 24v BEC in this one or not . Are all 3 tank batteries reading at least 12v each? Transmitter showing at least 9.6 v?

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Re: Transmitter/receiver problems ??

Post by duncanallender »

Thanks for your replies. Yes using 2.4 GHz. Also transmitter showing 10.3v when I gave up and removed tank to car. Will charge up batteries again and see what they read when showing 'Maintain' on my accumate.Also going to test Transmitter on other tanks. I'll let you know results.

Peter Silcock
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Re: Transmitter/receiver problems ??

Post by Peter Silcock »

One other thought Duncan - did you alter the rates on the track channels when trying out the new 4QD and the repaired one and not reset? Wouldn't explain a sudden failure though. I would be tempted to reassign the Sherman to another unused channel on the transmitter, rebind the receiver and see if that changes anything.

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Re: Transmitter/receiver problems ??

Post by duncanallender »

Hi Peter,
The new 4QD's were for the Tiger, so nothing changed on the Sherman.Am charging the batts as we speak, so will test it tonight when I get in, and see if they all record 12v +.Although they are old(ish) batts, I have been keeping them topped up over the last year, although not draining them at all by running the tank isn't the best way to treat a battery.Let you know.

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