British MK IV Tank on Armistice day 1919 in Kendal

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Paul Wills
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British MK IV Tank on Armistice day 1919 in Kendal

Post by Paul Wills »

Hi all,

I thought I would share these photos with you, they have just been listed on our towns facebook page. They are from Armistice day 1919 in Kendal, when Kendal was the county town of Westmorland. great colour photo as well.
Armistice Day, Kendal , November 1932 colour.jpg
Armistice Day, Kendal , November 1932.jpg
Paul. :wink:
9 kp pz gren div grossdeutschland Tiger A23, Sd.Kfz. 7 half-track Artl Reg 146 (mot), 16.Infanterie-Division (mot). Flak 36 88mm, Erg-Zug Flak-Stammbatterie Augsburg. King Tiger & Pak41

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Chris Hall
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Re: British MK IV Tank on Armistice day 1919 in Kendal

Post by Chris Hall »

Paul -

Nice pictures, today of all days. It's a Mark IV Female, and a training tank as it doesn't appear to have unditching rails. That's absolutely standard for the War Memorial tanks. The most interesting thing to note, though, is that it survived until at least 1932 ! A lot of them were scrapped as soon as they got too rusty or vandalised to be safe, and the few remaining by 1940 (except for Ashford, Daphne and Excellent) were scrapped for the WW2 effort.

Can you find out any more detail, especially:

1. What Kendal did to deserve it ? (usually massive donations to the war effort, possibly a VC winner)
2. When it was finally scrapped ?


Mark IV (Liesel, Abteilung 14, France 1918)
M3 Lee (25 Dragoons, Burma 1944)
Universal Carrier (2/Wiltshires, Italy 1944)
Panther (Deserter, 145 RAC, Italy 1944)
Centurion Mk 3 (8KRIH, Korea 1950/51)
Morris Quad, 25-pdr & limber (45RA, Korea 1951)

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Paul Wills
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Re: British MK IV Tank on Armistice day 1919 in Kendal

Post by Paul Wills »


The only place to find that would be the library or the local paper and that's not something I fancy at the moment. I'll see if anyone has info on the facebook page, there are one or two budding historians on there. One thing I do know is that Kendal among other towns was known for years as a Town with know men.

Paul. :wink:
9 kp pz gren div grossdeutschland Tiger A23, Sd.Kfz. 7 half-track Artl Reg 146 (mot), 16.Infanterie-Division (mot). Flak 36 88mm, Erg-Zug Flak-Stammbatterie Augsburg. King Tiger & Pak41

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