Setting more records!!

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Setting more records!!

Post by Armortek »

The more observant amongst you may have noticed that Stephen White's build blog,

My Beaut Aussie Cent

has in the last 24 hours reached the amazing total of 100,000 views ( in fact as I write, now standing at 100,205) ... =23&t=3931

I think serious congratulations and thanks are due to Stephen, for the time and effort in writing this blog and sharing his superb build and extensive historic research with the Armortek community.

Although Stephen leads the way in numbers, there are many other build blogs running on the forum, which are avidly followed, not just by those in the Armortek community but many from around the world who follow this forum. We thank you all for sharing.

Gill and Mark

Kent Wiik
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Re: Setting more records!!

Post by Kent Wiik »

Indeed a good number and I just noticed my own Panther saga has 118517 views..... :shock:

And that without any new text since 2,5 years.
I know our forum is well visited also from people without an Armortek tank and if they find my saga interesting so no one is happier then me.
And maybe the incoming Panther kit has something to do with it.

Kind regards
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Re: Setting more records!!

Post by Armortek »

Kent, we stand corrected and very sorry this has been missed. Maybe there are others?!?!
We look forward to hearing and maybe we can keep this thread updated with the current record holder..........


Stephen White
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Re: Setting more records!!

Post by Stephen White »

Gill, kind of you to comment in your first post. I think this Forum is a wonderful place for exchanging knowledge and learning from others and in that sense Kent led the way with his Panther saga.

I enjoy sharing techniques and research and in that way benefit whenever someone is good enough to comment or take an interest. Sometimes in my Cent thread, the subjects aren't of great common interest but I'm surprised by how much I learn by reading threads for the other models.

I'm not interested in records (particularly after the Guinness one) but I see that my Pz III thread has been quietly ticking over, today at 118,987. Way to go Kent. I think we'd better end there before this becomes competitive.....

Thanks to everyone who comments on threads, it's always welcome.


michael hilton
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Re: Setting more records!!

Post by michael hilton »

Well done Stephen and Kent. I have been on many Forums over too many years, the Armortek Forum is by far and away the most informative and constructive. I spend a great deal of my time following the many and various builds. Congratulations and best wishes to all.....Mick

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Re: Setting more records!!

Post by simon_manning »

kent now its come to the forums attention, what's happened to your superb build posts, they were very enjoyable and missed, spoil us with some more action, also well done stephen, a milestone, regards simon manning.

Tim Bowman
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Re: Setting more records!!

Post by Tim Bowman »

Welcome to the 100K club Stephen.

Your Centurion is one of the top builds on this forum. Simply amazing skill and beautiful results.

Kind regards
"So long as one isn't carrying one's head under one's arm, things aren't too bad." – Erwin Rommel

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