Good Books for Panzer III L

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Derek Attree
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Good Books for Panzer III L

Post by Derek Attree »

Hi Guys
For those thinking of getting the Panzer III I have just got
2 realy good books.
one is the osprey modelling manual no 15 which covers the J&L types,
its isbn is 1-84176-208-3. About £12.50 in the UK.

The other is AFV super detail photo book vol 6 again covering the J&L types this book is crammed with detail photos.Its isbn is asdf-006 and I paid £16.99 for mine.

I hope this is of some help.

Derek :lol:
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David Lee
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Post by David Lee »

Thanks for the tip, taking time to post and share. Missed the good old days. As far as I can remember, it has been a gentlemen's forum, full of enthusiasm and help. Kind of missed eye candy's from Vince.

By the way, I liked this tank but never done any research on it. It is light thank, am I right? What's the difference between the panzer III and IV? As I can see, the length of the tank and guns... :?:
Peace and take care

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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

> It is light thank, am I right?

I would say it was a medium rather than a light tank. The Pz I and II were what I'd consider the German light tanks of the period.

> What's the difference between the panzer III and IV? As I can see, the length of the tank and guns...

Most obvious difference is the III has six wheels per side (from the Ausf E onwards) and the IV has eight.

The reason they built both was because they were to perform different roles, the III was to attack armour and break through the enemy, the IV was to support the infantry and kill anti-tank guns in support of the III.

That seems to be the concensus from what I've Googled so far... :wink:


David Lee
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Post by David Lee »

Hi All future builders of panzer III

I gotten myself some books today at the modelling shop that I frequent. And here are the books that I think is worth a mention and purely my own rating after a quickie browse of the books.

Hope you guys find them helpful in your building.

1. Achtung Panzer, No.2 , Publisher: Koji Ogawa/Dai Nippon Kaiga
(3D drawings and lots of close up pics of all versions and comparisons) IMO very very good for building, contains Japanese and english illustration. Rating: Best reference pics, you can even see the various types of nuts and bolts, as well as the weld seams.

2. XtremeModelling military modelling magazine, Issue 20.
(Painting and weathering a Panzer III L). IMO very detailed step by step painting. Rating: Best for painting guide

3. The Panzerkampfwagen III at war by Michael Jerchel & Waldar Trojca. Publisher: Concord publication company. Lots of war time pictures. Rating: unrated.. :oops: But good for dios.
Peace and take care

"In the end, it is the journey that matters more, than the end itself"

Peter Smith
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Post by Peter Smith »

Hi All,
I have a splendid book on the P111
Panzer 111 & Its Variants by Walter J Spielberger Vol 3 167 pages Hardcover,translated from German. cost $30 Australian
many B&W photos plus color illustrations

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